it looks like it was just some bad fuel....i should know better than to run regular fuel than premium just cheap i guess.:o alittle octane boost cleaned it up. thanks again guys.
they look good,but i used sta-bil when i put them away last time would that have anything to do with it? i also put half litre of oil in with fresh fuel when i started them. 40 litre tanks.
it just started happing as i just got them started for the first time. they sat for a season as we never used them last year. normaly idle down to about 1750
i have this posted in chat as well. 98 670 and 2000 700 both are stuck in high idle even when i let them warm properly.
its almost like they wont kick down, any suggestions.
i have a 98 670 and a 2000 700 it seems like there stuck in
high idle even after i let them warm up. its all most like they wont kick down.
any suggestions.
the sled was starting to catch the bike in mid air. it looks like the sled needed less runway to get up to speed or is it just the angle of the camera.
couple new super clamps and some other stuff. oh ya and a new washer and dryer because the other set crapped out a week before x-mas :-( other than that it was great. merry christmas u all and safe new years.