Chuchwagon Trailers in High River has these 2 place aluminum for under 15 G tax in .
Most of my buddies think that its a big commitment and have to clean non stop . My egg gets to temp in about 10 mins by the time I prep food it's ready to rock . I have a small shop vac i use to clean out the ash every couple of burns and that's it . Use it year around no issues and very simple...
I didn't buy into the hype as I've been cooking delicious meats for a long time with just a probe and thermometer . Once i got onto the Meater man it takes outs all the guess work . Perfect cook eveytime .
If your smoking with the Meater make sure you clean the end very well . They may look clean but are a bit temperamental especially if you using them for smoking . I take an SOS pad and clean it .
Yes I have driven the Ford Lightening and Tesla Model S . They were a riot to drive, power was amazing . The math doesn't work for me personally though .