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    Trump out smarted them

    Socialism is not the good life.
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    Jason Kenney pissing everyone off?

    What is really pissing me off is the AUPE and ATA and their constant whining and complaining. I sure don't see them offering to help Alberta get our budget under control. Kenney is up against the socialist agenda and the leftist media so the non thinking people are upset with him.
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    Sledding with your family

    First of all Turblue I commend you on taking the time and patience to involve your family in the sport. That is huge. Cost is a big factor in being a sledding family so buying and fixing used older sleds has to be part of it. At least it is in our family. Younger children are thrilled to ride...
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    Getting to the hills

    Pretty sure it hasn't got as ridiculous as to how many people can ride in a private vehicle.
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    Time to get this thread going again. Copied from an article. People outside of Alberta often question why we are so unhappy within confederation. I have written the following to give everyone a comprehensive history of grievances. Please take the time to sit down, read this and gain...
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    Awesome WSA video

    I received this email from Stan Spencer of Backcountry Sled Patriots. It's nice to see an alternative view of wilderness areas and pretty much discredits the hype and misinformation put out by the so called conservation groups. While the video is about the Pallisades wilderness in Wyoming it...
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    who would make he best conservative party canada leader?

    Hoping that's just BS to get the climate change cult vote.
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    Professional Sports Suspends Games

    IF these overpaid athletes actually gave a damn about the BLM movement they should donate the money they get per game to fund a whole bunch of scholarships for education which would actually do some good. Instead they just virtue signal about how much they support it by refusing to play but I...
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    Look what wife found in a Yard sale

    Re: Look what wife found a Yard sale Wow, what a find!
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    I can’t breathe.

    According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the Washington Post, last year there were 10 million arrests by police...10 Million!! Out of those 10 MILLION arrests there were 1,004 officer involved fatalities. Out of those 1,004 officer involved fatalities 41 were unarmed. Out of those 41...
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    who would make he best conservative party canada leader?

    I was a bit surprised and pleased she doesn't appear to be the greenie extremist that I thought she was. It seems she has put some thought into the impacts of a ridiculous carbon tax and blindly following the Paris accord and UN directives. I think she is the best of the bunch and I hope...
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    who would make he best conservative party canada leader?

    We need an elected senate of say 2 members per province regardless of population and give them some real power to reign in the farce that is known as the house of commons. That's the only way the rest of the provinces outside of Ontario and Quebec will ever have any say in government. In order...
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    who would make he best conservative party canada leader?

    Well at least she is better than the Turd on that issue. He has to wait 21 seconds to answer a question his media gestapo let through to him a couple of weeks ago regarding Donald Trump and the BLM. Even then he didn't answer the question anyway. I agree Leslyn Lewis would have the best shot at...
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    Snowbird down in Kamloops
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    2019/2020 Video Thread

    Old video but entertaining nevertheless.
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    AV gas.

    Seek and ye shall find.
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    Dr Tam

    Tam should be fired for her part in this virus spread.
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    Dr Tam

    Yeah, and Trudy in his typical fashion sticks his head in the sand (or up his ass) over the WHO controversy.
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    Alberta giving PPE Ontario, Quebec and B.C.

    True enough but I took it that they could not get any from their suppliers. Maybe just a case of privately owned facilities wanting to get freebies?
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