Hope you get it back, about 3 years ago I lost my SPOT and 2 months later during the spring riding season, someone found it and remembered my post. I got it back!
Looks like you guys watched the "Schooled" videos, nice riding, especially considering video makes the terrain look easier than it is and that looks difficult on film!
It has nothing to do with Saturday directly. These changes where first rumored last summer and announced in November. It was published in a couple Canadian magazines including a sledding magazine.
I have pointed this out to the press, as they keep reporting it this way.
here is the link for...
I am a member of the Revelstoke club but I am in no way a spokesperson for the club, my reply is the way I understand it and may be in error.
There was no admission fee to the BIS. The club had a 15 dollar trail fee up until a month or more ago, and raised it to a modest $18.00. The club has...
The statement by the police is a factual one and can be said at any accident scene. If a house burns down due to an electrical short, the police could make such a statement. The early rumors (factual or not) give the police enough reason to investigate, and with a death more reason to...
I was looking over the posts from LAST years BIS. Last year, it appears Zac,s traks was involved, there were also medics on the hill, and the RCMP had been alerted/informed, and seemed like there was quite a bit of preparation.
Why did that not happen this year....Lori, why did you guys not...
I just heard on the news (770 in Calgary) that the BC RCMP have put together a special 10 Member team to (Quote) "investigate what happened in Revelstoke this past weekend" (end quote)
find the story here:
I have sent the letter from the Lady sledder in Oregon to the Dave Rutherford Producers, since he did a portion on his radio talk show today. I hope he does something to address it on air and maybe give another side to this tragedy!
I wish Ron would split this post up....I do not want to disrespect the familys that have lost loved ones here. My heart goes out to them....It was a very sad day for us all.
I have done some research on causes of death, and for the government to step in and say we need regulations on our sport...
All three pictures show signs of unstable snow. Good job on capturing the conditions. Your right on talking to others....they think your an idiot until you dig them out....Looks like you captured dumb and dumber out for a spin.
Want me to take pictures of mine....modified the cradle, installed a 12 volt adapter, and am hooked all day. Keeps the battery at 100%, and works great. Have to cut the ram cradle, attach the charger piece to the gps and file down the wings, run from a source on the sled that is 12 volt and...
I'm pretty sure Wildchild that is usually on Snowest is the right guy.
He lives in Lumby. You can PM him from there. Here is a recent post with him in the conversation.
ski doo brace - SnoWest Forum
Thats why the 530 is 40 dollars more, and they are only 2 watts in Canada...that is the one Wholesale sports sells. The 5 watt units are USA only and Wholesale cannot sell them. You can have one sent from the USA, has the 5 watts and the extra repeater channels.
520 is the same unit without...
I got it to, but when I logged onto my account and went to the area they said to, it did not give the message that will pop up for the affected units. It is not all of them that need replacement, but it makes a guy unsure...