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  1. tekim

    Sh*t your thinking, but never say out loud

    It's not the outfit that makes you look fat, it's your fat ass that makes you look fat...
  2. tekim

    Ken block in San Francisco city

    Everybody with a Monster sticker on their vehicle can do that :p
  3. tekim

    mega cab - do I Need a slider fifth wheel hitch

    Should be ok with just a regular hitch. Mine is a 29'.
  4. tekim

    Ultimate Terror, baddest chute in the BC

    At least a couple of chopper cams as well... :D
  5. tekim

    T2 Sugarbowl Drop

    Thanks! My buddy in the video has bigger ballz than both of us! :p
  6. tekim

    tekims broken talus

    There's only two seasons; sledding and rehab :p My rehab seasaon just started :)
  7. tekim

    tekims broken talus

    Neither was the ankle :p
  8. tekim

    tekims broken talus

    Just the after pics :mad:
  9. tekim

    tekims broken talus

    No, that was later in the day :p Bad day for me :p Apparantly I did a good superman over the handlebars when the track went through the skid :D
  10. tekim

    tekims broken talus

    Things were going so well until the landing at the end... :realmad:
  11. tekim

    T2 Sugarbowl Drop

  12. tekim

    OOPS, last ride of the year for me!

    I hate it when the end of the season is forced upon a guy... :p BTW, one slightly used 153" Power Claw for sale... no ripped or torn lugs... :D
  13. tekim

    Pictures of the Cheesiest Chit ever!!!

    I know the Dodge 6x6 was pretty cheesy, buy I'm not sure if this one is cheesy too, or totally awesome :D
  14. tekim

    What is this

    Underground house?
  15. tekim

    Night Vision Binoculars

    Anyone have any experiences with night vision binoculars? Was looking at getting a basic set to find out what's keeping the f**king dogs barking all night long. :rant:
  16. tekim

    Pc games

    Re: Diablo III I pre-purchased through WoW, I don't know if thats why or not?!
  17. tekim

    Pc games

    Diablo III A few screen pics from D3.
  18. tekim

    Pc games

    Anyone try the Beta version yet? :nerd:
  19. tekim

    Pictures of the Cheesiest Chit ever!!!

    nice rims :ha_ha:
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