Not sure Ric, I would think just before or start of glennifer. I see they have the spillways closed, that lake will fill up quick.
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I would think they are setting up booms on glennifer, that's the only place its going to slow down a bit. Better fill up a few jugs for morning coffee.
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Got woke up about 1:30 by thunder, rain gauge showed 8/10ths at 4:00am still a little lighting to the east then.
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I'm sure it was wet, we are at Southfork and had a few showers yesterday but looked at lot blacker to the north. Clear blue sky this morning.
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Just got it installed, using the warn contacts, wired different, in is out and vice versa will change the leads on contacts next time I have the battery out. Need to weld a plate in my warn fairlead plate to use the wider new one. will test it this weekend
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Was camping at Southfork for the weekend but now not sure if the forcast holds, anyone up for a dayride on Friday, it still looks good
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Holy crap E-Z if I would have know you had a puffer I could have use it when I was dragging you out of eagles, I was puffin!
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I already have a warn 2500 on the teryx which is usless unless I snatch block it and even then works too hard, I was thinking of using the warn contacts and switch for the champion and put the old winch on a reciever mount for rear. Will review it if I do it.
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I agree tex, can't let him lead and can't let him bring up the rear either cause somebody has to pull his azz out when he falls over in the puddles.
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Hey arff I'm always looking for someone to go riding midweek, I'm on a 7-3, 7-4 schedule Tues- thurs off will have to compare scheds
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