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  1. goodngrubby

    How many changing plans for BC travel ?

    I don't know much about f@&k all, and I try really hard to steer clear of provincial and federal politics because it knots my guts, but the one thing I do know is that Horgan is a complete f@&king goof, that was not actually voted in as our "leader". Teaming up that meatplug Weaver to pull off a...
  2. goodngrubby

    The winds and storms are a coming

    Heading to Terrace tomorrow morning...should be fun on the ferry.
  3. goodngrubby

    Humorous Kijiji Adds Not Kijiji, but retarded non the less.
  4. goodngrubby

    Fraser Valley

    You're from Surrey, right? Are you the kettle, or the pot?
  5. goodngrubby

    Bc. out of province inspection

    I had my deleted Ford inspected in Nanaimo last year....aftermarket headlights, tail lights, exhaust, etc....he couldn't care less about any of it. He gave me a bit of grief over my aftermarket rims and tires, but the only thing that he nailed me on was the side window tint.
  6. goodngrubby

    Enclosed Sled Deck ?

    What a fawking monstrosity.
  7. goodngrubby

    Humorous Kijiji Adds

    Fawk, you should have to blow into a breathbox before being able to post on Kijiji.
  8. goodngrubby

    How to sell a sled when theres a ton of the sames ones on the market?

    I heard if you get your potential buyer half p!ssed before you show them the item, it works in your favor.
  9. goodngrubby

    Pictures of the Cheesiest Chit ever!!!

    Another leaf licker on the island that doesn't need a truck.
  10. goodngrubby

    Which S&Mer posts the most and rides the least?

    I'd like to ride more, but I just had knee surgery.
  11. goodngrubby

    Holly crap is it cold!!!!

    Yep, it's the great snowstorm of 2016 that the kids will be talking about for years.
  12. goodngrubby

    What does everyone do for a career?

    I remove stickers from windows. I'm trying to get this house on my client list, but I'm having a fawk of a time finding the contractor in charge.
  13. goodngrubby

    Humorous picture thread

    I know right? It's like these new urinals...they're completely stupid...they blow piss all over.
  14. goodngrubby

    President Trump?

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