Heh yea being able to use the Chrysler advantage number when buying a new truck is nice:D
Also I love the interiors of these trucks, coming out of a Laramie longhorn.. Absolutely beautiful!
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Thanks DC, my thoughts exactly.. all the other guys at work are about to chip their fords & chevs..
I'm okay if with some front end problems but im not okay with engine or turbo problems
new to the diesel world and looking for honest reviews for the 2014/15 cummins 1 tons
I've fell in love with this truck and about to purchase but I'm constantly harassed by the guys at work insisting it will have front end issues and i will end up getting rid of the truck out of frustration...
Venting doesn't hurt, if you are blowing belts then yea go ahead and vent it definitely will help. But again most these new sleds don't need it.
Put a skid plate on it and grip it and rip it my friend
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