I see none of the Canucks fans are talking about Kessler's cheap shot cross check in the first faceoff of the game last night, or the fact that one of the Bruins was clothes lined by their bench not long before the Marchand incident happened. Neither of these was penalized either, but the refs...
I am only posting because of your comments about the Government heavy handedness here. I don't trust any level of government in this Country, I think they are ALL power hungry dictators and a bunch of imbeciles. Most people I've met that are either politicians or work for government are there...
I think these types of hits have to be eliminated from the game period. Back in the old days there was not the understanding of concussions and what the longer term effects are that there is now. I thought the point of body checking was to separate the player from the puck. I don't believe...
This is a societal problem. Go to a public washroom and see how many times someone's p#ssed on the toilet seat and not cleaned it up. Go to a concert, football or hockey game and see the mess in the bathrooms. A lot of people in our society are, simply put, pigs. Don't their parents teach...
I kind of agree with some of what Honda310 is saying. You see a few individuals doing something stupid, and it get's broadcast on a public forum that anyone can view. Cleaning your machine in the river/creek is one thing, but complaining about someone riding through a mud hole (oh I forgot...
Be interesting to see how long they leave the Province wide ban on. Where I was it was not dry at all. It was much drier last year, but no ban. Hope they lift it soon, not every area of the province is dry as they say.
Hey, listen pal, don't be telling me to do anything. I don't know who you think you are, but you have you're opinion and I'll have mine. People like you just can't stand it when others disagree with your opinion. To make a big deal about the very small footprint that quads make in an area is...
Funny, used to be called muskeg, now it's called "sensitive marshland". USA has 10 times our population, and smaller land mass, so comparing there to here is bit of a stretch. Let's all just ride in single file, at 20 kph, like a bunch of cattle, on government approved, marked trails, and we...
Sure do, went to school then. Usually though if that happened we deserved it. There were a few bully teachers that maybe crossed the line, but not too often. In those days however, the school didn't try to control your actions away from the school.
Oh get off it. It's hyperbole, so go look in the dictionary if you don't know what that means. The fact is that once you start going down the path of restricting peoples speech in this type of manner, you're starting down a slippery slope. It's one thing if a student tells a teacher in class...
I don't know about that, if you saw how some of these "professional" teachers talk to and treat the students on a regular basis, maybe it's some of the teachers that should be sued. I know because I have a child in elementary school and I'm shocked at what how some of these teachers act, but in...
Please show me where I said it is the right of Enbridge to build the pipeline. I said Enbridge would not be able to build until they get a Certificate from the NEB. Obviously they have to attempt to get landowner permission to go across their land, but it's so obvious I didn't bother to mention...
True, they don't call it Beautiful B.C. for nothing. No one, even us Albertans, want to see that landscaped scarred in any way. I believe they can do it safely, but that is my opinion and the fact is that there will always be a small amount of risk. It comes down to whether the risk outweighs...
Much of what you say is true, but I would say to the commercial fishermen "the oilfield workers livelihood is important too, as without the oil producers, there would be no jobs in the oil patch." Are the fishermen going to agree to pick up the tab for the longer route of the pipeline to avoid...
When crossing rivers, streams, etc, they use heavy wall pipe as one of the ways to make the stream crossing safer. They have shut off valves one each side of major, sensitive streams, and the National Energy Board and CEIA have to approve the construction and response plan that is submitted to...
Pipelines are the safest method of transport, period. Consider the amount of pipelines currently carrying product and the amount of spills. What makes BC's environment so much more important than Alberta? Aren't they both important? A crude oil spill can be cleaned up. True it will affect...