Also, the above could easily lead into weather modification technology. Which is easy to also connect to the liberal climate crisis, which would be the perfect way to scare everyone to believe your “sky is falling” climate BS.
See how it all kinda inter connects?
Oh weather modification...
Hmmm. I understand whats being said here but im also torn. On one hand I get it. All threads get messed up. But what if it’s because of the world we live in.
Thats our current reality but no one wants to acknowledge it?
Discussion about bc fires.
Its all going good.
I flushed my rinnia using cleaning vinegar. Its a bit stronger than normal vinegar. I had a big plastic tub about the size of a clothes hamper. Filled it about half full of vinegar. Then I used a submersible pump I had lying around hooked it up to circulate throughout the coil and back into the...
One way or another nobody can prove sheet.
They went to the moon and got a bunch of moon rocks, verified to be actual moon rocks by an independent lab.
Did they? Easily faked. Were you there? Nope. They can say literally anything and you have nothing but their word to go by.