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  1. M

    2024 Arctic Cat Catalyst

    I know how my Alpha compares to a G4 turbo. Now you take away 40 lbs and add 15 hp I think the NA Cat will give the G4 all it wants and more. The G5 maybe a bit to much but it will be pushing it. In the trees the Catalyst will be as good or better than anything else it will be the big open...
  2. M

    $23.3 billion settlement.

    The bands are run like governments the Chiefs and their families will do well but the average folks on the res will get very little. 90 % of the money will end up with 10% of the people. This country has been giving Billions upon Billions of dollars to the bands with no return, giving them more...
  3. M

    2 drinks a week!!?

    Try Warstiener Fresh, Krombacher 0, Clausthauler 0 or Superstore red or blonde brew. I take the redbrew sledding and a little clam goes good with lunch or the hot tub. I haven't drank since 2010 and i don't miss it at all. The Warstiener and Krombacher can be hard to find at times but the others...
  4. M

    2023 Sled Show in Edmonton

    I talked to Andy yesterday and they know what the weight is but aren't about to let that out yet with good reasons. What he did say was their goal was to be the light sled on the market and that they are on track to hit that goal. I know one thing for sure they are light and easy to pull over. I...
  5. M

    Vintage sled drag racing

    Find out how long the track is then gear and clutch accordingly. You want your sled to be accelerating the whole race but getting near top speed at the finish line. Adjust your suspension for the best hole shot and keep the sled a light as possible no spare belts or tools and minimal fuel. Have...
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    Mortgage Rates

    Actually the best bang for your buck is weekly payments and doubling up on those when you can. The lump sum still helps but the sooner you attack the principal the shorter the amortization.
  7. M

    Random Pictures Thread

    Big or small it gets them all
  8. M

    RV Fridge repair anyone around Stony?Spruce

    Cant remember the company name but he is right on the corner of 627 and RR22
  9. M

    Skid Steers

    One thing I check is service schedule and parts cost, I always include a parts and service manual also.
  10. M

    Light weight litium batteries

    You may want to try Alberta Battery they seem to have good pricing.
  11. M

    McBride and Valemount - Sledder numbers down

    You guys don't understand Liberals. They will sell it to our indigenous people for a profit and they will pay with the money we give them. Then they will run it into the ground with no maintenance and then we will buy it back for way more than its worth.
  12. M

    Catalyst Cat Chassis

    I doubt you will get anything more than we have a larger cc engine in development. They have been fairly quite on this new chassis only releasing bits and pieces. March 7th they should release full details. The chassis looks like it has potential for success but only time will tell. I think you...
  13. M

    Catalyst Cat Chassis

    I am thinking your wrong as there is no such thing. A/C stopped production for 82 and 83. Just sayin
  14. M


    Did you have a price in mind ?
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    Asian chainsaws

    Sthil does have a factory in Virginia Beach along with China and of course Germany
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    You have to remember what the goal is here, I haven't seen where the heavier gauge diverts the water any better.
  17. M


    Last time I got a quote the guy told me it was $5.00 per ft for 5 inch trough. So pretty easy to quote if you have a tape measure.
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    Allison transmission

    I did one last summer dealer had stock and it was like $700 for a reman. This is crazy, is there a reman you can send your old one to and have it repaired?
  19. M

    Catalyst Cat Chassis

    Not sure if its been strengthened or not but I did read the suspension geometry has been changed to prevent it from bottoming out.
  20. M

    Very weird problem.

    Have you bypassed those goofy magnetic switches on the carbs? In 1998 AC went to a N/O ignition on the EFI sleds, the carb sleds should still be N/C something to be aware of when dealing with electrical. Is the air intake box, exhaust, carb / fuel tank carb vents, fuel filter, fuel lines...
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