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  1. M

    Motor flush

    LOL my old lady would freak out LMAO
  2. M

    Motor flush

    Diesel or Keroseen works best!
  3. M

    Merry Christmas... 2023

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL!!!........Even the DooLaiders............
  4. M

    Golden and Area Conditions 2023-2024

    Maybe you should stay away LONGER...mabe your completly USELESS .......
  5. M

    Yamaha, dealers maybe going bye bye.

    What a bunch of Bull ch!t and why would you even post this, cause it is not relavent to North America. This same guy is spreading this same story for all brands all over the net. I sure a company as big as Yamaha would have a public annoucement and would surley let there dealers know long before...
  6. M

    23 Turbo Expert - Fuel line recall

    Any more Exploding Chain case RECALLS ............???
  7. M

    23 Turbo Expert - Fuel line recall

    Oh No not Another SkiDoo Recall...........!!
  8. M

    How to sell a Sled….Millennial Edition

    Thats where I was from.......little older and WISER now.......
  9. M

    How to sell a Sled….Millennial Edition

    The CAT Going to Give a Spanking to both the NA Doolaiders and Polaiders.......going to be EPIC!!
  10. M

    How to sell a Sled….Millennial Edition

    Sorry cant drink Whiskey.....all I want to do is Fight and Fxxk...........
  11. M

    How to sell a Sled….Millennial Edition

    Kid is smart.......Rent it to him ....$350 Cash each day he rides it ...... and before it leaves the garage collect monies...... then you got Whiskey money.....
  12. M

    How to sell a Sled….Millennial Edition

    I would like to offer you,10 K plus a 12 pac Bud Liight......Please PM if you intrested..............
  13. M

    Housing Hell

    Nobody wants to work now much free money from the government ...... wait till the put threw Universal Income.......
  14. M

    No snow, bored, Post a pic of your old mountain Mod!

    That was by the Best Sled of that the 670s....
  15. M

    No snow, bored, Post a pic of your old mountain Mod!

    Long Haired Freak is the King of the TPT Triple Piped Triple.......
  16. M

    No snow, bored, Post a pic of your old mountain Mod!

    Got to love the Triple piped Triple..........:cool:
  17. M

    2023-2024 Revelstoke and Area Updates

    If you Wait Good Things your money & time............U know its going to Snow in Revy......
  18. M

    2024 Arctic Cat Catalyst

    Its going to be a great sled !!
  19. M

    2023/2024 Fernie area

    Get back to our roots Ken, the good old days , get Baker, Jimmy Percival, Kenny Tumback, Bruce Erikison, Willie, Juber, Wayne a reunion tour of the fun places in the Pass.....use to have a blast down there........
  20. M

    2023-2024 Revelstoke and Area Updates

    Nice to see, snow is a bit later this year thats for sure.......lots years out for first ride end middle of Nov.
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