I've listened to this guy for a little while on YouTube and he has some interesting thoughts on artificial intelligence. What does everyone think of this?
This was taken in Leduc county today. If you think all that milky white sludge That you see all the time in the skies is natural, I've got ocean front property to sell you.
They don't use commercial airlines. The planes that are spraying the sh!t don't even show up on your flight tracker app.
It's being done worldwide and it aint the Canadian military that's doing it.
It happens almost every day. The chemicals that are involved are not the things that are...
Have you tried sprinkling diatomaceous Earth on it? As soon as stuff starts coming up sprinkle it over the whole garden. The potato bugs eat it and it shreds their insides
By the way, what research have you done? Do you watch the sky's daily? Do you pay attention to the results after you see spraying? Have you noticed the change in the wind direction?
Or do you just believe whatever you're told by the news?
Buddy, I don't want to be in this position...
I know I'm gonna get flamed for this.
Most people don't believe they are spraying at all in the atmosphere right now. I've watched it and documented it for years to see the result. When they start spraying it gets windy and dry. The strange part is the wind comes from the East when they spray...
You know what's the funniest part of all of this? After watching the footage The fact that you believe they went to the moon is way way crazier than the fact that I just simply don't believe it.