Holy Smokes is New Zealand and Australia ever taking a beating these days...between wild fires and volcanos they have a serious situation on their hands
Looks like you boys and girls sure hit the nail on the head this weekend with all the wicked pictures flying around! Ride safe and look out for each other out there, thanks McBride, you put many smiles on faces out there this weekend!
Cats are super smart...we just got two kittens, they are a blast. Can’t declare them anymore so best invest into scratching post materials and start building. They used their litter boxes once we showed them where they were at, fill up their food dishes and away you go.
There was a movie out at some point in time called off the chain, I think it was about dog fighting if I recall. Anyway the world can be pretty dark, we've had two dogs shot by people and left in the field or the yard, its harsh, but I'd rather have them shot then stolen and taken into a dog...