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  1. slednecks11

    r motor or ho

    Isn't a h.o. 140 hp and a r 150+? but I agree h o will be more reliable and they are not a monoblock right??
  2. slednecks11

    r motor or ho

    looking at a back up sled and was looking for a rev and i can not deside on a 07 with a r or a 04-06 with a h.o.?
  3. slednecks11

    How are your etecs holding up

    Just wondering if anybody has had any trouble with there 800 etec and how they are holding up
  4. slednecks11

    top posters

    Haha I know just thought it was funny to read these posts and see that commercial at the same time
  5. slednecks11

    top posters

    I just seen the pepsi commercial with the song why can we be friends..... I think that you guys can learn from that song hahaha
  6. slednecks11

    2007 summit Cold seize

    Sorry to hear about that
  7. slednecks11

    top posters

    Haha yup must be
  8. slednecks11

    Pteck can on an ETEC?

    I would say no because it took everyone who builds cans while to get figured out I know the mbrp look way different on the etec then the ptek and they sound just as good it would be alot easier just to buy a can for etec
  9. slednecks11

    top posters

    Haha I'm on here all the time too it's like its addicting or something
  10. slednecks11

    shheeet kickin fernie

    Yea we unloaded at coal creek but if you pin it you can skip across the top just watch out for the bridges they are really rough
  11. slednecks11

    How many kms r u getting on stock 800r?

    Got 4400 on my 08 my top end went out at 3600 now it runs great since top end rebuild
  12. slednecks11

    top posters

    after supper poop post
  13. slednecks11

    dynoport pipe & y pipe for etec

    has anyone heard anything about dynoport making a pipe and y pipe for a 800 etec yet??
  14. slednecks11

    154 to 162 Track Swap

    If you watch the classifieds there might be a used set of rails that come along( be cheaper than ice age) and do not i repeat do not do rail extentions!!
  15. slednecks11

    Caution Buying Mirage Trailer.

    we have 34 foot goose neck mirage with a heater cabnets and 2 fuel cells. the trailer is 3 years old (still in warrenty) and we were going down the highway and the fuel cell broke off and was dragging down the highway(full of fuel) so we called down to mirage and the guy told us he will not...
  16. slednecks11

    Don't Buy XP Tunnel Foot Steps

    racers edge makes great drop brackets they are way stronger look good too!!!
  17. slednecks11

    top posters

    yeah funny how snow and mud is more addictive than facebook:d
  18. slednecks11

    top posters

    Better hope you have a quick internet connection then
  19. slednecks11

    top posters

    Yeah theres only a few talented corn haulers that can do that makes the job very hard! Not to bad when hauling wheat though
  20. slednecks11

    How many sleds blew up this year?

    blew up my 2008 with 4300 k on it
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