I dont recommend the half ton but it can be done. I Pulled my 27' enclosed for years with a f-150 ecoboost, I thought it did ok (unless the roads were ch!t or it got windy). I now have an F350 and it is night and day better.
I bought my XR a few weeks ago at wizard lake marina, $2050 plus tax brand new, last one they had. Two of my buddies have been looking and cant find anything close to that deal, maybe give them a call and see if they got more in. Easy rider they are $2600
That sucks man hope shes ok! I went down the rabbit hole the other night on you tube and it seems like there is a lot of people getting hurt on these things, definitely have to wear your gear. I always say it probably isn't that fun if you cant get hurt.
I have 15 miles on my XR now (working too much). I love it, the videos do not do it justice at all, you need to ride one. My brother rode mine and bought one, same with another buddy lol. The one issue I have and its my own issue is my front foot cramped up really bad, I must be flexing it...
3rd pic is a yami rider tired from digging the 154 doo out over and over! Nice try though Shanka LOL. Glad you got a boost coming though, its going to be fun beating up on another polaris next year again. I will shut my mouth when you pull the viper out.
Right on, let us know what you think of it. I am looking for a treaded tire as I can already tell this stock slick washes out a bit. Want something good for pavement and off road
100% they are. They were going the right direction with sidewinder just need to refine it and drop weight. its doable but I dont think they would sell enough just because most would rather take 100 less hp even if it means their sled is glued together but I get it
The guys that compare the sidewinders to the old apex and nytros don't have a clue and have probably never ridden one. They are so much better in almost every way.
Im thinking these would be great to take in the back of the truck to Joeys or something, get half snapped and then ride these home from there lol. Cant get a DUI on these I wouldn't think?