Recent high winds and heavy snow have caused more trees to come down on our sled trails. The trails need to be cleared again before grooming can resume. If anyone can help out show up at the Ritz at 8;00A.M. on Saturday the 18th. Sled and chain saw or hand saw required.
Tried that. Then you need to gather it up off the floor! At least if it is in the garbage can I can throw it in the groomer tub without needing to gather it up.
Not sure who is riding but am sure there will be a lot of people out. Trails south of Athabasca are groomed and trails north are not. I am sure if you go to the Groat Creek staging area you could find people to sled with. Check out maps on the Whitecourt Trailblazers site.
The trails south of town have been groomed except for about the south half of the Silver Summit trail. Like Mitch said, watch for downed trees and droopers. We are having trouble keeping up with all the snow and temp. changes. Groat Creek campsite is a good place to stage.
If you went from the Eagle River staging area the snow is a bit thin until you get over towards the Gundy cabin. I rode it yesterday. Snow is a lot better south of town and west. The Groat Creek staging area is a good place to start. The trail will be groomed tomorrow.
Not sure where you were sledding. Whitecourt is a big area! Pretty good snow south and west of town. It does vary about a foot in places.
Another decent dump last night!
The Summit trail south from Whitecourt to the cabin is groomed. Also the Goodwin trail to cabin is groomed. The Manweiler trail from Summit cabin to the Athabasca is packed and creeks filled in. Groat canyon trail from staging area west has been packed and creeks filled in. Trails south of...