You guys are missing my point here. If they're going to break by leaving them down while backing up, then simply do NOT market them as such, and then I agree, I'd have nothing to complain about.
The simple fact is that, according to THEIR OWN marketing, they are designed and marketed as being...
Telling someone to not back up or not back up with scratchers down that are designed to be down while backing up, is NOT giving advice. It's blowing off a problem.
If a product is designed to work a certain way, and whenever you use them in that way, they break, that's a problem.
I'd be interested to see your idea.
I've also heard that alot of people just ram a bolt down thru the back inside corner of the skis. That might be my next option.
Yes. I mounted them on my Polaris Gripper skis. I'll be taking them off before my next trip out. They have now deformed the plastic enough (and yes, I mounted them in the strongest possible spot) so much so, that they won't even sit on the snow anymore. They just pop back up onto the ski after...
Damn rights!! Cause if it gave reach-arounds, then it would definitely find something else to bitch and complain about, or be on my case to do something around the garage. Fix this. Do that. Treat me better. Ugh.
That little silver "foot" is designed to flip the other way so that you can back up with them down. That's why they get such rave reviews. And they work great. I'm just sick and tired of them breaking.
I think I'll likely be trying cable scratchers now. They are DEFINITELY ok to leave down when...
What do you mean don't back up with them? I bought the Ice Storm BECAUSE you are supposed to be able to back up with them down. That's the selling feature of them.
Alright boys and girls. Tell me what has worked best for you, in terms of scratchers?
I'm DONE with Ice Storm's after breaking my 4th one off today. They've all been warranteed, but that doesn't help when I'm warming up on the trail. So it's time for a change.
Cable scratchers? Best brands...
That's what I've found the last couple times I've gone. VERY disappointing. Hey. If you're shopping for a new trailer, this is your show. Anything else? Save your money.
Edit... You can more than likely pick yourself up a new Sham-Wow there too.