So we bought 2 new highmark charger bags this year. The one bag got blown off on its first ride. Some how the zipper was wrecked in the process. So we have been trying to to get a hold of MSD in golden since Christmas and their phone mail box is full so you can't even leave a message let alone...
Conditions were good this weekend if you got in the right spot. We were down by 230 Saturday and were basically out of fuel. These guys are 24 year olds having fun in some creek. pretty easy to burn thru fuel trying to get out of a steep deep creek. ( This is all an assumption). I don't know...
Not sure what Dan was seeing, but we noticed all the fresh stuff sitting on a thin layer of ice which seems to have fell friday night. Seen several shallow slides
Ya I took a refresher AST 1 course I have a couple noobs that I wanted to take the course and figured it wouldn't hurt me to go again. Anyways that was one thing he was saying is annoying with these reports. People try to talk like experts on a report that is meant for the laymen's! Its sweet...
I have a truckboss, love how it is completely sealed and you don't get any snow or crap underneath. Installation sucks. I have it down to about 2.5 hours. It's not the deck you want if you plan on putting it in and out several times a year. 5000 grand seems a little high.
If the dog is doing her job at night it may be an option to only let her out at night. If the animal doesn't have a job during the day then lock it up save yourself some frustration. But just like kids there are lots of good ones out there dont waste time on the bad ones!!
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Re: 2018 Skidoo Summit G4 850 Mechanical Changes.
Here is my issue. Why not design a bulk head as strong as the axys or pros? I have rode Polaris sleds for ever I have a box full of busted a arms but never a bulk head! Polaris has so many other issues that I'm not going to get into that caused...
2016 ski Doo XM
Help! We just got back from fernie after a couple days riding. I went to start my sled to unload it and fired it up but happen to grab the wrong key. So pulled the key off to shut it down got the correct key and now this flipping thing won't start !! What the heck happened ...
A buddy of mine put money down on one of these. He flew down and got a chance to check them out. Said its insane technology and is pretty. Crazy what they are doing
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