Rather than ask the club to get the hotels to chip in.... ask them yourself for a donation towards grooming then give it to the club on the hotels behalf, your the one spending your $ at the hotel, get them to support the sport that brings you too their establishment..we're all in this together...
Well said Sherm.
Now if only we could get some of the throttle jockeys to understand what you were trying to get across.....rather than taking offence to your post thinking you were blaming only the out of towners....
thanks to all volunteers, you may not get acknowledged by all, but are...
Ya for sure.... Ouch!! I doubt that dude has ever belonged to a club or held a seat on the directors list of any club, or volunteered to help with any project. Keep on bitching if it makes ya feel better. There probably isn't a club anywhere that needs your $20 keep it in your pocket and stay home.
Ya I agree, I bought a 4 place mission aluminum box over a year ago, I pull with a 6.0 ltr 2500 and I don't like pulling it. If I had a diesel it would be good. But it's too much trailer (when loaded), for the 6 ltr.