While I admire your ingenuity, I thought those types of fires were banned at the moment. http://bcfireinfo.for.gov.bc.ca/hprScripts/WildfireNews/DisplayArticle.asp?ID=3183 Might want to check before you get a fine.
"As far as I'm concerned, if you're paying property taxes on your property you have every right to go reside in that property. Especially if you're talking Calgary to invermere. Give me a fawking break. If you start feeling symptoms jump in your car and drive back to Calgary. "
By the time you...
I don't see why you think you should be exempt from paying taxes for any reason at all. That's like saying every time there is an emergency evacuation (such as wildfires) you should get reimbursed for those days. The bottom line is that ANY travel increases the risk of spreading this virus.
What people are missing is that we are being asked to avoid travelling between areas regardless of the color of license plates. That is the best way to keep the spread at a minimum. It's only a matter of time before the borders are closed as they are in some parts of the East.
I have a friend that declared bankruptcy last year.
You definitely want to consult professional advice before taking this step.
They go to great lengths looking into your past couple years seeing if you had toys/vehicles registered in your/wife's name and proof of where those items are...
Are you going to be able to go there and back without ever entering a public space? That would be the ideal scenario if anyone is travelling. As soon as we enter a public space we are risking passing something along to others.
Apparently not everybody got the memo where they are requesting people not travel around for recreation. Stay home and don't risk unknowingly transporting this virus.
Unfortunately in our area the ones we had the most noncompliance from were locals, and some of them were club members. It was the old story: We've always ridden there, not stopping now.
According to the article it states that two of the three were not from the area.
That leads me to believe that one was and should have known about the closure.
I wondered how you could keep a club going at $40 when most of it goes to the BCSF, but when I followed the link I figured it out. It's a good way to sell BCSF memberships seeing as how you can't join them without joining a club as well.