Does anyone have these bogmax tires? They look to be pretty much the same thing as terms. I can get a set fairly cheap and wondering if they are decent
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Alberta, I know in bc it is probably different, I haven't looked at the cvip book in a while so I'm not right up to speed on the latest rules.
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I also do commercial inspections, and if I failed safeties over emissions deletes, a lot of people would take their business elsewhere
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I haven't seen any Alberta shops that would fail a safety because of a delete, on commercial vehicles anyway. Bc could be different, just ask and they will tell you
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I'm in the same boat, looking hard at a 2016 163" axys , there are some good deals on leftovers but they all seem to have the 2.6 track. I'm running a 3" on my xp and really like it
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Sled prices are definitely low, but I haven't seen anything near the prices you are talking, I would have a lot of sleds if I came across decent sleds at those prices
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Should probably start a new thread but whatever we are here now lol, I think avy training is great, but to make it mandatory to buy a sled? That's just stupid. It would dramatically affect sled sales,I know of a lot of 146-154 length "mountain "sleds that have never seen a mountain. You don't...
I spent a few years working on highway trucks and after seeing some of the junk that came through the shop, I not all that concerned about passing this on the highway
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If someone took your welder away before you became an expert, would you still be an a$$hole? Lol
Nice work, looks good !
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Does anyone have any feedback on these? My stock ones are trashed and I also need the lower corner pieces, and the prices to buy either are close
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