If you're Avy trained and have the gear, you can look for my truck in the parking lot. We'll be there fairly early.
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Leaving Fort tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully a good drive... First time with the deck for me. Looking forward to see what we can find at Chappell on Saturday :)
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Hate to put a damper in the contest but this weekend is probably not the greatest choice.... Unless its a technical riding comparison. The big hills are likely going to be super unstable if you're into checking the avy conditions. The pro and etec both lose if no one lives to tell about it...
Both sleds perform nearly equally when equipped with the same track, gear, fuel, and rider ability on them. There's no need to further explain my comparison. It depends which hill you're on, which line you take, and how accustomed you are to riding each sled. My choice of buying the pro was...
Mine used to do it every summer when the viscosity of the oil changed. Scared the life out golf me the first time. I noticed my Pro had a couple drops coming out of the pan over summer too.
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Lucky he didn't cause a slide on the way down with his buddies on the other side unable to help. Pretty sure I was there the weekend after and saw the track down. Kind of a "WTF" moment.
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Fewer are stupid enough to use lead as a filler***. There's some hardcore after effects the old body guru's are suffering from now. Plus it's longevity kind of sucks... Seen lots of cars come in for their second restoration or with lead filler from previous collisions and you can always point...