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  • W
    wtf i didn't mean to get here?but never pass up a post chance!lol
    hey i was just wondering about the mountain mod ride?? i have rooms booked and will be ther! how do me and my friend enter the drag races??
    Hi there. Is there a problem with my request? If so let me know and I can get the other guys to make alternate arrangements, but it would be great if you could do this.
    Is it possible to change the number of people coming to a total of 8? You have me down for a toal of four, and I have four more wanting to come. All are a skill level of two. I have our rooms booked at the Sandman.
    Hello. Could you add myself and at least one other on the MM list, skill level two. We also have our romms booked. We're really looking forward to this one.
    Work has kept me busy over the last couple weeks and it was sure nice to get away camping for a few days this past weekend. You missed out on a great weekend of mud and beers at the campout. You'll have to get a quad for next years get together.
    Yep Rucky, it will go up for sale once the snow flys...only want to keep 2 sleds in the driveway. It's been a great sled and I'm gonna miss her.
    Hey bunnyman. I see you are selling you 700 RMK in the future.... would you be willing to part with the seat? PM me if you like. I may be interested.
    Hey Bunnyman... Thanks For Dragging Us Along Last Nite To Cj's Grad!! We Were Proud To Be With You At Last Nites Ceremonies..... Thanks Again, Bugs!
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