we've all had this talk about being the well experienced outdoor person, and now more than ever that term is being used as much as the guy with the brand new ford escape, new rockport hikers, and backpack with wine and cheese looking for some remote adventure. some examples true and false. and please add in
1 - can you read a compass
2 -watched and practised all survivor man episodes
3-would stay cool if lost, and not turn into a nut case
4-even with gps/or spot, still have bush smarts in case the first 2 fail or get lost.
add in your tips and tricks to the good ole backcountry. some true some false just to make us think
1 - can you read a compass
2 -watched and practised all survivor man episodes
3-would stay cool if lost, and not turn into a nut case
4-even with gps/or spot, still have bush smarts in case the first 2 fail or get lost.
add in your tips and tricks to the good ole backcountry. some true some false just to make us think