A Message from ABSC RE: ATV's on Groomed Trails.


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
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Parkland County

The mapped, maintained and approved snowmobile trails in our area are looked after by the Alberta Beach Snowmobile Club.
When the snow accumulates around 10 inches most ATV’s have difficulty maneuvering the hills and trails, which at that time the snowmobile club begins grooming and the club would ask for respect from the ATV community.
Some of the snowmobile trails are on private land and these owners only open the trail to snowmobiles and ATV’s become trespassers. Snowmobilers must purchase a trail pass to use private property which provides our club and land owner with liability insurance. This trial pass helps fund the costs occurred in grooming and maintaining the trail. The greatest advantage of having maintained snowmobile trails is that we can groom them and make riding much safer and help prevent trespassing. After many hours of volunteer work and much expense a well groomed snowmobile trail can be destroyed by ATV’s.
So therefore the snowmobile club asks that ATV users to be respectful and stay off when trails are groomed and most importantly do not use private land.
The Snowmobile Club is open to ATV use on “non groomed trails” that are on public lands.
As both groups are OHV and still are blessed to have a place to ride it is in all best interest to work together.
It is a privilege not a right to have trails in Alberta and that can be revoked at any time by any level of government.
A snowmobile is designated as such when manufactured. Any vehicle (bike, truck or ATV) altered and fitted with tracks cannot be designated as a snowmobile (insurance issues).
Thank you and if you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact the Alberta Beach Snowmobile Club info@absnowmobileclub.com
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Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
Parkland County
So no snowbikes either then I assume.

snowbikes are a grey area, and we are working hard to develop messaging around them. We have to be cautious as we want to make sure that we are covered for any liability type issues that may arise. Right now, I believe they are classed the same as an ATV with Tracks, a no go.
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