so i was wondering about back surgery. I have compressed disc'c and they want to trim the excess off. I've heard some horror stories help me make a desicion by sharin and good or bad things
i had a lamenectomy-discetomy approx 10 years ago,my expirience is positive.i didnt have much of a choice ,hd mechanic and couldnt feel my right leg lol.6 plus months of recovery and now i preach to my apprentices about asking for help to lift,like they listen lol-like i did. but i definatly had to have it,minimal pain to this day and when i am in pain the best thing i do is visit the accupunturist. didnt like the idea of needles in my spine but now i highly recomend it .
just a quick note for you considering continuing on with the pain......Thanks alot guys for all the info. It really seems that everybody's back responds differently. I think I might try living a little longer with the pain its not keeping me from sledding so.....
just a quick note for you considering continuing on with the pain......
The pain caused from a herniated disk should show up in your butt and calf. If this is the case, you are suffering from cronic pain that is a result of pressure neing exerted on your spinal cord. Now, you think all is fine and tolerable and the alcohol or advil do wonders, but the longer you let it go, the more nerve damage you do. This is potentially damage that is irreversable.
I was in the same boat..... MRI in calgary resulted in a discectomy of my L4-L5.... I came out with more pain then I went in with. This was after 2 years of telling myself I can handle it and it will get better.
I moved on to bigger and better and went to Texas to get assessed. I went under the knife in Frisco Texas a week later..... By this time I had drop foot, losing feeling in both feet and a few other ì can wait`problems.
Mine went well beyond the discectomy.... but in the end, anything to do with your spinal cord is nerve damage and if you let it go to long, effects could be perminent. The toll it takes on your mentality and life is not much better. Dealing with cronic pain is not only hard on you but those around you. You may think you are alright, but if you are grouchy long enough, people tend to stay away.
Center for Spine Care - Dr Peloza M.D.