No problem. You have till 2015 to get it fixed and they recommend you are over 2000kms before getting the work done.
Does that apply to the 600cc also or only the 800s
No problem. You have till 2015 to get it fixed and they recommend you are over 2000kms before getting the work done.
Went in today with unrelated problem. Service chick told me 1000-2000 km is ideal. 1010 km on a 2010 Summit. Turple Bros. RD
does not apply to 2010 summits 2011 only.
I talked to my dealer today and they just said bring it in at 2000k and they will do it. I also asked about the flash for the hesitation bogg at certain elevation and apparently it doesn't apply to us/can summits and freerides. Strange. Either way it will be flashed when they do my pistons to put the sled Into break in mode