Selling used sleds


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
i 100% agree. however alot of guys like myself have a new sled waiting to be picked up and really cant afford to have 30,000$ in machines tied up. again totally self inflicted issue LOLOL

Everything sells if the price is right to someone! I feel your pain Sean, but as soon as the MacT3's are delivered, there will be a pricing adjustment!


Active VIP Member
Dec 26, 2011
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I agree that's it may be a little early too. Once the snow flies I think you'll see people a little more desperate to buy and willing to spend.

That said I bought new because I would rather have a machine with no possible hidden issues from a previous owner for the extra 1000$ I cost
It is too early to sell. Last year tried to sell old sled in late Aug early Sept and lots of tire kicking. Posted it early Oct and sold in 2 days.

Pricing for some the used equipment is way to high. People think their machines more than they are truly worth because of a mod. Once it's driven once the mod is even used.


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
i 100% agree. however alot of guys like myself have a new sled waiting to be picked up and really cant afford to have 30,000$ in machines tied up. again totally self inflicted issue LOLOL

Just a question. Do dealers not like to take trades on new sleds any more? :confused: I don't know because I always buy used.


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
That said I bought new because I would rather have a machine with no possible hidden issues from a previous owner for the extra 1000$ I cost

All in your perspective I guess.

I buy used because I want no possible hidden issues from the manufacturers, and they've all had them. Warranty means nothing to me if my sled spends half the winter in the shop and I can't ride. By the time I buy them the issues are usually well known, as well as the fixes, and somebody else has paid the depreciation. I've done really well buying off season too.

Of course if I couldn't work on them myself I might have a different opinion.
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GBCA Member
Nov 25, 2007
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in my garage
Just a question. Do dealers not like to take trades on new sleds any more? :confused: I don't know because I always buy used.

No they dont, they are in the market of new machines. they will have some on hand, but if you look at the numbers of new machines they sell you will see that taking on 300 plus used machines. Then you have to sell them, and stand behind those as well as the new ones. There is no margin left in it and most times they get stuck with them. Not to menion the fact that black book on your sled is no where near what you think its worth or what the market will bear. The fella with the 08 xp is looking at 3500-4000 black book. For clean and in good running order.


Active VIP Member
May 19, 2008
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sold mine took first offer and may have regret it slightly since I am getting texts and emails but like sean says you can only drive one and it is better not to have that money tied up. it was a 2012 so I guess it was in a price range where perspective buyers were not thinking to go new.


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Aug 5, 2008
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Davidson Sk
Just searched 2014 Summits on Kijiji. Before I say they are all too much, how much is a new 163x with tax? $15500? $16000? How much is a new 2014 163 sp and are there any? If yes, then this is the price you need to compare to. The lowest mile unit should still be $2000 less than the new replacement the above average mile stuff (more than 2000km/yr) should be as much as $5000 less. One way to think of it is, if you could trade every year for $2-3000 then everyone would be doing this. Why would you keep a sled for 3-4 years at that rate?


GBCA Member
Nov 25, 2007
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in my garage
Just searched 2014 Summits on Kijiji. Before I say they are all too much, how much is a new 163x with tax? $15500? $16000? How much is a new 2014 163 sp and are there any? If yes, then this is the price you need to compare to. The lowest mile unit should still be $2000 less than the new replacement the above average mile stuff (more than 2000km/yr) should be as much as $5000 less. One way to think of it is, if you could trade every year for $2-3000 then everyone would be doing this. Why would you keep a sled for 3-4 years at that rate?

The best thing you can do in this case is call a dealer and ask. Seems like a no brainer but remember to ask for the details.... tax in out the door. Freight pdi and all that jazz. Then ask what comes with a new sled out of the box sled....Nothing. Nothing comes with them. no cover,oil,belt,plugs,gas can, skid plate,Can. or skill... then review your kijji account and put all that in the equation. suddenly maxwells 14 summit is a great deal.
And as for the 5000$ less for a sled with more than 2000km. What?..... No just NO
Remember what you want to pay and what they are worth are in most cases not even in the same sentence. Especially since the XM has been a difficult sled to buy in peak times. let alone buy one from a dealer without snowchecking one.
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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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There are alot of factors that play into used sled resale value and whether a dealer will take one on trade or can even take one on trade. Things like carryover of new units, factory incentives on non currents, cash flow and volume can even play into it. Each dealer is a different scenario. We used to take trades when I was a dealer but only good clean trades and would set a limit on how many we would take. We did well on our trades but we had good ones that we would stand behind and peeps want assurances when dealing with a dealer that if things go for chit that the dealer will back him. I know as far as resale value something simple like the Skidoo Sport 800 PTEK absolutely had a huge effect on resale value on used 800 PTEK's as who is gonna pay $8000-9000 for a used 08-09-10 when you can get a new one with T motion, flex track and warranty for $10000? In my experience the best time to sell your sled privately is now and the month of October. All the bagged ones show up later IMO. Don't price your sled based on Kijiji pricing. Phone a dealer and get book value. It will sell alot quicker. Guys want way to much on Kijiji.


Active VIP Member
Nov 18, 2007
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I have owned many new sleds (mostly every other year for 14 yrs) including several I purchased from Snopro. I always sold my used sleds privately for a "fair/reasonable" price. I never had a problem selling them and without a trade, probably did a little better on the purchase side too. The only sled that was real expensive was a 2005 RT 1000, I think it cost me $5k for one year (but I was either going to sell it or burn it).

As others mentioned, I have never financed toys (sleds/quads). It's funny, now that I can "really" afford any sled, I chose a 2013 XP Sport. I paid $10,200 (extra belt, skid plate and fuel caddy) out the door then I bought an almost new 163 2.5 skid, and front shocks for $1k then sold my skid, track and shocks for $1200. So I now have a 163 2.5 2013 ptek with a DJ clutch kit (already had) for $10k all in. The $15-16k XM is just not that much better or worth it to me and I don't want a 3" track..
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Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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Speak for yourself you stupid Chihuahua. Seems that you are always kissing someone's ass and turning around and being the wannabe bulldog...

He must have exceeded his dick -ness this time cause even his buddy t-team isn't jumping in to defend the dumb comments.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
Im guessing with low interest on new machines vs higher interest on used, monthly payments must be fairly close then even buying used from a dealer.
Im on the fence with the whole borrowing for toys thing. I will never understand though why people think that just because they pay cash makes them 'mightier then those' that finance. In my eyes, unless your borrowing for something that will actually make money, it doesn't make any difference, since the cost of borrowing really isn't necessary.

But, lets not derail a good thread.


Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
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Great thread, I like trading and do it with most of my toys and almost always out of season, never have much trouble getting a deal. Last year traded my 1500 Vulcan for my turbo sled, very happy with that deal. Personally think I got the better deal. Just recently traded my RMK 900 for the bike in the pic, paid 3200 for the RMK three years ago , definatly got the better deal in my opinion.Anyway as I get older I'm finding patience is a money maker and people like too trade stuff.if you have 6 months to wait before you abuse your new toy try trading in the off season, For example I don't plan on keeping the bike I just traded for, I'm looking for a quad for my son if anyone's interested, unfortunatly quads run year round but you never know, this is a hobby for me and I love wheeling and dealing.
The only downfall to this is weeding out the kijijidiots.............but people like too trade!


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Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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i 100% agree. however alot of guys like myself have a new sled waiting to be picked up and really cant afford to have 30,000$ in machines tied up. again totally self inflicted issue LOLOL

And there's the rub.

Do you take a hit on the machine now to get slightly less cash and have it gone before you owe on the new one, or do you wait to risk having both on the balance sheet and hopefully pick up a bit extra? Catch 22


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I had no problem getting rid of my 2014 freeride in August, but I took over a 5000$ hit! Not including all the maintainece, Bumpers, A arms, plastic and lost sneakers I put into it.. But I jumped mine off cliffs, crashed it into trees, rolled it down mountains, towed broken sleds&skimmers full of gear and just generally rode the chit out of it. I was happy to get rid of it& buyer got a good price on a 14 with bumper to bumper warranty.

IMO When people are buying used they are looking for a deal. If they wanted to pay new price, they'd go buy new...
If your toy is mint just keep it and use it. Toys are for recreation, kinda like a trip to Mexico.
If you're looking for an investment get RRSP's or


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Here's how I do it. I think about what I want to a price it at. . I look at what it may be worth. From there I price it on how bad I want to sell it. My spare 2014 xm is on here for $12,500 and has been all summer. But I'm not worried if it sells. When I want to sell it i will list for 11.700 obo and I'm sure it would be gone in a week for $11,500. There a difference between selling something and putting it up for sale.


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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[Hops on Soap Box]

As can be quite clearly seen by all the old junk in my signature, nothing in my life is financed. This not because I think I am better than anyone, but quite the opposite. It is because I am typically quite unstable in my jobs. My longest job in my working career of 15 years has been 2 years, as such I need the freedom to be able to leave a job and not have to worry about making ends meet.

The second reason I don't finance a new sled and I still ride an M7 is that the engine is stock and it is still a pull and go sled. I have ridden lots of the new sleds, and while they are amazing and way better in every way, they are not $10000-$13000 (my estimated price difference between selling the m7 and a new sled) more fun to me. I have just as much fun riding it as I do a new sled, it takes a lot more work to keep up, but the challenge is the fun. While most people who know me will tell you I do have a big ego, it is certainly not because of my possessions, nor do possessions drive me at all, which is fortunate as I would never be able to keep up with most of you "jones's". Trucks and cars, and sleds and bikes, are all just means to an end. As long as they work reliably for their intended purpose I am happy with them. So for the M7 the day it stops being reliable or fun, is the day that it is not longer serving its purpose and will be replaced.

The final reason is that I have other financial goals in my life, and those combined with my current level of income, require certain spending limitations: daily, weekly, monthly, annually, or otherwise.

[/ Soap box]


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2011
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On Facebook there is a Mountain sledder swapmeet
, kids can buy one year old pro's daily for 7 grand so I think lots of the younger people are going that route

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