Oilers - yuck


Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2008
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This one will make the Nuck fans happy, maybe even the Flamers fans (although they have nothing to be happy about)...Bruins fans, you are doing okay over there.

I am having doubts about Edmonton's short term future. I wanted to be optimistic, but I can't right now. :confused:

Watching last nights game was like watching a train wreck at some points (st.louis). Going into next season the Defense is going to look something like this:

Whitney - Smid
Schultz - Petry (I am pretty sure they will extend him)
Sutton - Potter

Barker has been anything but great, I can't see them trying to keep him. Last night watching Barker and Potter was horrible at times. Petry still needs some time, but has bright moments and really bad moments. Peckham is as good as gone with those pairings as well. No point in signing him unless they plan on putting him in Oklahoma.

Also possibly able to return is the likes of Fedun. He was one of the best young D out there until he was hurt. I don't think Plante and Teubert have proved they have what it takes to play in the NHL. Could Marincin get a look? Klefbom is about the same in talent, has more size, and how about Musil? Gernat might fit in there as well. Those 4 might take another season or two to show they have what it takes at the pro level. Then what? You can't really start a season with 3 rookie D and expect great things to happen. Maybe one gets a shot for 2012/2013, then the other two a year later? 2013/2014. Can the fans remain patient that long? Do you hold your talent back because you want to do great things sooner and go after a UFA?

I have a hard time beliving Edmonton cracks a playoff position for 2012/2013. Lets not even get into Goaltending. Sorry Dubey, the jurey is still out on you.

Top six forwards as it stands.

Eberle, Gagner (yuck), Hemsky, Hall, RNH, ...thats 5.

Bottom six

Horcoff, Smyth, Jones, Belanger, Eager, and a player to be signed (Petrell, Hordichuk, whoever)

We know the kids can play. We know the management plays the old guys too much. I am still in favour of dumping Gagner. He has had a few good games and the media thinks he is the right fit for Edmontons future. No thanks. He is an RFA going into the off season. I'd trade him. For what though? Start thinking a winger with some size. Chances of getting a center with size are impossible. Maybe a goaltender. How about Cory Schnieder for Sam Gagner? Schnieder will never be the starter in Vancouver and he should be, Gagner would be a offensive talent on an aging team who may or may not bring a cup home this year.

Then you need to fill his role. Say hello to Mikhail Grigorenko. We know Oilers will pick likely top 3 at the draft. He is huge, only issue is he is Russian and you never know where their mindset is when it comes to playing in the NHL. Also available would be Alex Galchenyuk. American born, a little smaller than Grigorenko but deffinetly an offensive force and likely not going to run to Russia.

We still need to round out the top six...MPS has had a tough year, Omark was injured and since they kept Hemsky where does a soft offensive forward fit in that line up? Lander will likely continue to be a 4th line center, at some point when Horcoff gets injured could he get moved to the 3rd? How about Hartikainen...there hasn't been much hype with him but has done okay in OKC. After that the talent pool isn't as full as Oilers fan might like to believe. Curtis Hamilton is in there, but is questionable. Tyle Pitlick maybe in another 2 years. Arcobello is likely a career AHL player and is smaller, don't need too many more of those.

I think they have to go after a quality UFA winger. So thats where I stand, trade Gagner for Schnieder, take Galchenyuk at the draft to replace Gagner, sign a quality winger with size and fill your bottom six with a winger who knows their role. That will give you the offense needed. The D is going to be tough to fix for atleast 2 more years.

fewwww....that was long :)

I haven't forgotton players like Kytnar, Martindale, Motin, Simpson, Rieder, Tremblay, Pelss, and Blain either. But what do they bring to the table in the next two or three seasons that isn't already on the roster?

There is my Monday rant but I was busy all week and last nights game sent me over the edge.


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
Fedun will be returning :) ........ They're my neighbours. Although taylor just moved out with his brother into their own house.

They need peckhams gritiness on defense...... And get rid of horrrrrrcough and hemsky and bring in the other players like ya said, and get rid of renny. The kids need a "teacher" type coach, not a "pal" type coach...... We have a young team, and they need direction, and praise, where praise is due. Ditch khabi, and keep dub as a back-up to a new goalie(maybe schnieder)...... Get rid of lowe, and let tambellini loose for a while...


Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2008
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Fedun will be returning :) ........ They're my neighbours. Although taylor just moved out with his brother into their own house.

They need peckhams gritiness on defense...... And get rid of horrrrrrcough and hemsky and bring in the other players like ya said, and get rid of renny. The kids need a "teacher" type coach, not a "pal" type coach...... We have a young team, and they need direction, and praise, where praise is due. Ditch khabi, and keep dub as a back-up to a new goalie(maybe schnieder)...... Get rid of lowe, and let tambellini loose for a while...

I hope the best for Fedun! He is like Petry but maybe better :)

Horcoff sadly won't be going anywhere, anytime soon. He is a Trail boy, with deep roots. I am happy as long as he is playing 3rd line center with 10 minutes a night :) The only available market for Khabi just went out the door. Nobody needed an old net minder for a playoff run, they certainly won't need him to start their season. Best they can do is try and bury him in OKC next year if they get a replacement.

I don't agree they need Peckham. He rarely drops the gloves and typically takes a stupid penalty. I think he could be that gritty player, but I believe thats where Schultz is going to do well.


Active VIP Member
Jan 5, 2012
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This one will make the Nuck fans happy, maybe even the Flamers fans (although they have nothing to be happy about)...Bruins fans, you are doing okay over there.

Flames fans have nothing to be happy about? At least we're playing in meaningful games right now! Haha


Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2008
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Flames fans have nothing to be happy about? At least we're playing in meaningful games right now! Haha

meaningful? To likely miss a playoff spot by a point or two and draft mid way up the list taking mediocre picks with a top 5 payroll and likely one of the worst future prospect ratings in the league? Baertschi, Brodie and Irving won't be able to carry this team in 3-4 years.

Feaster will get his walking papers pretty quick.


Active VIP Member
Jan 5, 2012
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meaningful? To likely miss a playoff spot by a point or two and draft mid way up the list taking mediocre picks with a top 5 payroll and likely one of the worst future prospect ratings in the league? Baertschi, Brodie and Irving won't be able to carry this team in 3-4 years.

Feaster will get his walking papers pretty quick.

Yes, meaningful. They're fighting for points right now and are still in the thick of it. I'd rather be in that position instead of an Oiler's fan watching a team stuck in what seems like a perpetual re-build haha.


Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2008
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Yes, meaningful. They're fighting for points right now and are still in the thick of it. I'd rather be in that position instead of an Oiler's fan watching a team stuck in what seems like a perpetual re-build haha.

going into the 3rd year of a rebuild, a rebuild where they actually went and did what they said, we are going to tank it to draft big. How many years did Pitsburgh tank it to get Crosby, Staal, Malkin and Fleury? Then it took how many years to get a cup? Nothing happens over night, I can live with that. Smarter to tank it for a few seasons and build through the draft then aquire players who want to play with the up and comers.

Who would most people like to have over the next 3-5 years when comparing the two top current scorers on Edmonton and Calgary? Eberle/Hall or Jokinen/Iggy? Eberle and Hall lead the team on a crappy team. Eberle has been in the top 10 or so in the league much of the season.

Even though I am still not a Hall fan, (Seguin would have been my choice) Calgary might be in a playoff hunt now, but if they don't make it again this year, then what? Do what Edmonton did for several years? Just barely making the playoffs, or not making them at all and have a so so team?

Is it all warm and fuzzy all the time? Of course not, but there is atleast something to look forward to.


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2007
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What kind of bullsh!t is that just cause them habitants are playing in Edmonton, they sing the anthem in FRENCH. Go back east..


Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Leduc alberta
After signing Hemsky for a 2 yr deal worth 5 Million a yr its hard to have any faith in the Edmonton management...he has managed 5 goals this season in 50 some games...far from a 5 million dollar player. Hall and Eberle will be looking for new contracts after next season and what will they have to be paid after the Hemsky signing?? I'm sure it will now have to be alot more then 5 million/yr. Just my 2 cents


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
after signing hemsky for a 2 yr deal worth 5 million a yr its hard to have any faith in the edmonton management...he has managed 5 goals this season in 50 some games...far from a 5 million dollar player. Hall and eberle will be looking for new contracts after next season and what will they have to be paid after the hemsky signing?? I'm sure it will now have to be alot more then 5 million/yr. Just my 2 cents

yup, the horcoff signing and now the hemsky signing......... 2 of the dumbest deals the oilers ever made.......... And they have made a lot of them!!! Dumb deals that is


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
Eberle is in the top 10 in scoring,has missed games and is on a crappy team..........Wether you pay Hemsky 5$ or 15,000,000 a year Ebbs is gonna demand big bucks..........He is soon going be one of the top 3 players in the game........Hall is right be hind him. RNH is pure magic out there,as well.......These 2 (without Hall) beat the flames by themselves last night.
Either they (kids) are other worldly,or horcoff/smith are way worse than most people could imagine, might be both...........lol


Active VIP Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Dont forget that they will be adding a high ranked first rounder again this year.......Not sure who but id be leaning towards a dman, or just throwing this out there, Pk Subbans brother, Malcom, he is ranked #1 overall for goaltenders in this years draft, either way they need to address both positions, goaltending is weak on this team, they have enough scoring punch, and its only going to get better with experience. Nuge is sitting 2 points out of the lead for the calder, ( and has missed more then a few games), eberle well cant say enough about him , he has a flare for the dramatic and can score from anywhere, the big question is how long can Hall keep playing at the tempo that he does without suffering a very serious setback....His speed is ultimately going to shorten his career by miles, and Im sure Renny and the boys have spoke to him regarding it. None the less this team next year should be something else to watch


Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2008
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I like this thread. It rhymes with "Oilers Suck"

A vancouver troll? :) Certainly can't be a flames fan after that last performance.

As much as it is obvious they will be adding another high end pick, it doesn't mean that pick will be NHL ready. Even RNH was a surprise to many that he was mature enough to handle it. Holding him back wasn't going to better his game.

Adding a top end D prospect is not likely going to happen. The cupboards are full of D prospects for the next 5 years. Edmonton has likely the deepest pool of D prospects. Netminding is a bad bad area...and a top 1-2 D man who has already a solid game.

Top pick gets traded for a true 1-2 D man I think would be best.

Team is still 2-3 years away from figuring it all out.


Active VIP Member
Aug 15, 2010
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IM thinking they are going to trade their 1st round pick away..... not sure to whom or for what, but i wouldnt be surprised this year if that what they do.

Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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Eberle is in the top 10 in scoring,has missed games and is on a crappy team..........Wether you pay Hemsky 5$ or 15,000,000 a year Ebbs is gonna demand big bucks..........He is soon going be one of the top 3 players in the game........Hall is right be hind him. RNH is pure magic out there,as well.......These 2 (without Hall) beat the flames by themselves last night.
Either they (kids) are other worldly,or horcoff/smith are way worse than most people could imagine, might be both...........lol

Yeah, Eberle is soon going to be a top 3 player in the NHL. Yup, nothing like overrating your youth and putting pressure on them. Crosby, Malkin, Stamkos, OV may have a little something to say about that.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
LOL Ebbs is ahead of some pretty good players,such as Crosby & Ovy right now.............lol. In his second year. With a crappy D helping him. A Big part of the reason,the oilers have the #1 power play in the NHL, AGAIN on a 29th place team. With Hall and RNH helping him i think i might be underrating him.........lol
Your a nucks fan anyhow,i would say the pressure is on them not to FOLD UP like they normally do.................Not the oilers.

Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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LOL Ebbs is ahead of some pretty good players,such as Crosby & Ovy right now.............lol. In his second year. With a crappy D helping him. A Big part of the reason,the oilers have the #1 power play in the NHL, AGAIN on a 29th place team. With Hall and RNH helping him i think i might be underrating him.........lol
Your a nucks fan anyhow,i would say the pressure is on them not to FOLD UP like they normally do.................Not the oilers.

oh my, you actually think Eberle is that good? Really? Take a few hits to the head? Better than Crosby and OV already? Yup, you bet.

A few other players you may want to pay attention to, Giroux, Toews, Taveres, Parise, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Kane, Kovy, Perry, Getzlaf, Nash.

Yup, Eberle is a shoe in for a top 3 player in the NHL. I remember when the fool hearted Oilers fans thought Gagne was the next coming of god.

Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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Your a nucks fan anyhow,i would say the pressure is on them not to FOLD UP like they normally do.................Not the oilers.

I do find it funny that an Oilers fan taking shots, a team that hasnt seen the playoffs in how many years? A team that has been the worst in the NHL for how many years? A team that hired Canucks castoffs to run the team, taking shots at a team that went to the 7th game in the cup finals and is a paltry 30 some points ahead of the Oilers in the standings again. Yeah, Ill take my 4 rounds in the playoffs rather than having to live on the hopes that one day the kids might be able to make the playoffs. Best of luck to you.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
We have 5 cups ,you have well............riots,i guess. It is sweet seeing Ebbs ahead of Soqueen sisters though. Mind you they are starting to crap the bed allready,they should wait till they get in the playoffs like they do every year.......... Call me back when you have won ONE cup,let alone five........................
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