Most Of Today’s Dog Owners


Active VIP Member
Mar 9, 2014
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Exactly! Don't get me wrong I love dogs...don't have one, can't look after one properly.
I do have a bag of treats in my pick up that all my friends dogs know about.

Always the same effin people..."Hey lady if my wife and I wanted pi$$ all over the plants in the garden ...I'd pi$$ on them myself"

My brother has a ditch just passed the edge of his property, probably has twenty bags of sh!t in it. Dog owners pick up in front of houses when people are watching then throw it in the ditch.

We had an issue for months with a guy in the neighbourhood pacing his two dogs up and down the street at night until they unloaded in front of the houses on boulevard ....neighbour's wife finely caught him and confronted him...turned his head and walked away. Next morning she went out and picked up ALL the sh!t on the boulevard in her rubber boots and plastic pail then went to his house and dumped it it on his interlocking stone driveway and rubbed it in with her boots. Never saw him again.
Maybe this should be in the RANT thread...

Myself I say blame moron ....not the dog!
Lots of great dog owners and dogs out there. Some people should not have kids let alone dogs!

ATV Rancher

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Sep 24, 2013
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South Dakota
We have a Miniature Yorkie and an Aerdale, that are house dogs, and our son has a German Shepherd in his house. Our employees that live in our tenant houses do the same. They're all very well treated (the dogs, the employees sometimes feel abused) , but don't get crapfood.....again, just the dogs...... they shouldn't have. A big reason that we have the canines, is the fact that we live near a major drug running hi way and are surrounded by reservation with a big meth problem. Anyone comes around, the dogs go ape****. You can't shoot at what you don't know is there......and this wasn't the best rural area before all of the crap that's been escalating.

Luke The Drifter

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Dec 29, 2008
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Parkland County
That is very generic incorrect statement. There are absolutely bad dogs.

Bad dogs are almost always a result of sh!tty owners.

My wife and I volunteered with a local rescue for a few years and its amazing what you see on the dog and people side of things. Screening applicants for adopting a dog confirmed my suspicions that there are LOT of stunned and moronic people out there that shouldn't even own a goldfish.


Active VIP Member
Oct 16, 2008
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I have a neighbor that walks his dog past my place every morning. Never see him carrying poop bags. I just cleaned up 5 piles of poop. Not impressed. Don't want to be a dick towards him so I will start by buying a couple of "no crapping" signs and see where it goes.


Active VIP Member
Jan 10, 2011
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calgary ab
Asian people should not have dogs. Pick up poop? What’s that?


Active VIP Member
Nov 2, 2008
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Stony Plain
I have a neighbor that walks his dog past my place every morning. Never see him carrying poop bags. I just cleaned up 5 piles of poop. Not impressed. Don't want to be a dick towards him so I will start by buying a couple of "no crapping" signs and see where it goes.

I have dogs obviously for me it’s a pretty obvious solution for you.. confront him, better if in the act.. and say look guy if you stop ****ting on my lawn I’ll stop ****ting on yours deal? Animals have patterns just like humans and apparently your yard is the dogs toilet. The owner needs to fix that. It’s going to be easier with some people than others. People don’t even realize it’s an issue, other times they are just lazy azzhats that need a refresher on etiquette. Let us know how it goes!
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