How is a socialist existence a good thing?!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
K so I have kids living in Alberta now. My oldest Son is in U of C in Engineering. He's already a Power Engineer, but now going for civil. Youngest son Mechanical Engineering, and my youngest daughter is going to be a bandaid up North. (oldest daughter in 100 mile managing the clinic)

This thanksgiving my Oldest son came home, and we had some pretty in depth talk about politics. I was like holy crap, I gave birth to the re-encarnate of Karl Marx, meanwhile he pictures me as one of those gun totting preppers off of Mad Max complete with Borris the boomstick (my Ruger 270) and Randy the Ruger my 10/22. I have canned soups, potatoes, my bug out destination and plan set out lol. I admit, I enjoy knowing I can live off the land and I've been this way since about 6, but now I am thankful for my slightly crazy way of life.
What are your thoughts on the socialistic way of life? I've never ever been on unemployment insurance ever. During the toughest struggles in life, throughout my husband's immigration, this wasn't even an option. (social assistance that is or his application was void) so I simply toughed it out, went without and worked my ass off for what we have now. He's worked his ass off to build our life.
I do feel resentment towards those who say we need to give to those (not in need, but just less than) for I have experienced a multitude of "people on disability" who were simply milking the system. An entire family in fact. They were trying to urge me into voting NDP provincially for the social assistance programs. I resisted the urge to throat punch (big feat for me in that position) and seriously question this whole socialist entitled mind set. Am I missing something?
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Steve D

Active VIP Member
Feb 3, 2010
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You can't have one without the other. Snowmobile clubs are pretty socialist if you ask me.

Instead of calling each other names and labeling one another an extreme to either side, try a conversation and see where you can meet in the middle.

Or argue and hate each others guts. Whatever, it's your life.


Active VIP Member
Jan 13, 2012
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Sounds about right. Most secondary/post-secondary institutions are a breeding ground for socialist/liberal ideals. Thats what is being taught these days. Plus, its uncool for the younger generation to have similar views to their "boomer" parents. But thats what happens when a generation is raised where every snowflake is special and everyone gets a participation trophy. Not saying anything about how your kids were raised, just society in general. My $0.2


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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So, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Its a good thing IMO, some who favor socialist views would argue differently.

Im a conservative as well, I dont like working my butt off, to pay for someone who chose to or is unable have less ambitions than myself.
How can a fisherman back east make 250000+ a year, can still be self employed and still collect unemployment in the fall.


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Dec 14, 2016
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In Elevation
The point of our social system is missed or most likely not even there. It should be to help when bad things to good people with an exit strategy. Instead it becomes a career & breeds itself. It's a flawed broken health care, education & government. :)
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Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
I sent my son "over a barrel" video today, as I was explaining the foreign funding into activist groups, and he seriously didn't believe me. He's an incredibly smart kid, and someone I feel will be a great leader one day. I really enjoy discussing politics with him even if we disagree on some points. For both of us, we're wanting a more solid foundation for our province and country. He is young, and has so much hope, I wish I could see the world through his eyes, but I am a bit of a jaded old fart, which makes the idea of socialism very unappealing. He sees, basic needs being met, with less people living in poverty thus less of a tax burden/medical burden as a possible positive factor for socialism, while I see socialism as a way to create more laziness and entitled people. Somewhere in the middle would be healthy I think. What that looks like politically, I have no idea, but I do know that people who are living in poverty are more concerned about putting food on the table, and making mortgage payments before they'd even spend a moment thinking about reducing their environmental footprint. Unemployment is not creating a solid foundation for our country or provinces, and when I see people actually cheering about our Mine laying off workers, forestry operations at a stand still I tend to get my hackles up. There seems to be very little compassion for mankind when it comes to environmental activism.

K Crazy Prepper Trish has to get back to canning soup! Thanks for the discussion again guys!


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Kids now a days are a little lost Momma. They go to school where the left agenda is taught. Their friends are dreamers. They all want to save the earth and they want to live for free. Society owes them a favor. They get zero input and direction from todays leaders. They see them spend themselves into a drunken debt but there are no repercussions? Try that in real life and let me know how it works. You just have to trust your son is mentally strong enough to wade through the bull chit and find common sense. Once he does he will understand how the world really works. Good luck!
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