Highmarking is a bad word.

flying frenchman

Active VIP Member
Feb 1, 2009
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alberta canada
:d:d U-turn sound like the new word on the hill. "Dude thats a great U-turn ya did on the hill EH!".:d:d

Withall the bad press on highmarking maybe we'll have to change our words so people who like to paint us as stupid sledders can shove it. :nono: Sure some people like to put their videos on you-tube of themselves setting off avalanches, sure makes us all look like fools in the eyes of the media and all the people watching it.

It don't matter cause they don't see it as we do . This is a passion for us and accidents do happen just like everything else in life. If we take training, have all the equipement, read the hills this still could happen, but at least you prepared yourself. Things happen in life that you can not control.
:) Enjoy life, enjoy your sport of sledding and make them safe U-turns.:)
For those who haven't taken an avalanche course get to it and if not now then think about getting one with your riding group in the near future. For the people who can't or won't take a course remember the rules, 1 guy at a time on the hill and don't park in the runoff zone are some of the main ones, there are many more that come with mountain riding. Hopefully this can help us all ride safe. There was a post on here a while back with lots of info on moutain riding. This could help you alot while your waiting to take your avalanche course.
Be careful and have fun.

capt. crunch

Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2010
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I even saw something on the Weather Network this morning.
Geez were getting it from every angle.

flying frenchman

Active VIP Member
Feb 1, 2009
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alberta canada
To many kids.
Now thats a good one. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
:eek: I think I'll have to try that one, maybe I'll get caught on film and be called the famous highmarker by all the media. Yahoo! I got a good one.:d


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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To many kids.
Now thats a good one. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
:eek: I think I'll have to try that one, maybe I'll get caught on film and be called the famous highmarker by all the media. Yahoo! I got a good one.:d

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont get caught on film... you could get 2 charges
1 Indecent exposure
2 urinating in a pubilc place

And if you dont even make it to the other side it will be all over the net and your friends will laugh at you... probley point fingers also


Active member
Apr 17, 2008
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I should start high marking more often. Apparently its alot safer than the trail riding I do.
LOL, hopfully your wonds heal & you can get back on the horse this wkend

flying frenchman

Active VIP Member
Feb 1, 2009
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alberta canada
Well if it don't make to the other side I guess i pissed off a lot of sledders because they don't know what yellow snow is when they drive through it. lol.
They can piont fingers as long as they don't touch. Ha! Ha!


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Is it "highmarking" if you're trying to get over the top?

We all try to get it over the top of the other side , but those ditchs are steep and deep. Please dont tease your friends that only make it half way, be happy with the beer they will buy you and the end of the day and try harder tomorrow


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Slave Lake, AB
"Highmarking" is an Inuit sport of where an opponent keeps one hand and one leg on the floor and has to hit a little ball that is mounted on a stick and elevated above the opponent. The opponent or contestant...then pushes up to hit the little red ball with their foot and it is gradually raised higher as other oponents take their turn. The competition continues until there is only one opponent that can hit the little red ball. The one with the highest mark wins!!!! That is why it is called "Highmarking" ! Its actually a flatlander sport that can be played anywhere ....even on a mountian so thats why it sometimes gets carried away...it is a traditonal winter sport and the Inuit came from the mountians...thats why there is caribou up there. They had to leave the mountians many years ago to travel for more food and a couple got away....there is rumor there is still 10 out there somewhere. "Highmarking" as some term it...is becoming an increasingly popluar sport...many travel to all points of BC and the mountians in Alberta to travel up the mountians by snowmobile to play the traditional game where it originated. Somehow the media got this all confused and is focusing on the site seers who love to go up to the mountians as well for picnics and take pictures. Somewhow they got the Caribou involved along with the traditionalist who want to play the Inuit game as well. If they were to actually come out to the mountians to witness this feat...they may have a new found respect for this sport....then they would also witness some crazy bunch of people who jump out of a perfectly good helicopter on top of a mountian of all places and try and ski down!!!! Yes ....you are reading right ! ...these people are completly outta control man...could you imagine?...and on a pair of skies yet....no brakes or nothin....simply freaking amazing....rumor has it that they may possibly be smoking that "Crazy Hay" or "Electric Lettuce" so I been told by good sources and it makes sense cause you'd have to be all juiced up on something to jump outta a helicopter on top of a mountian! and oh ya...those big freakin helicopters have been known to scare the poop outta them poor caribou so bad that they are actually blaming the snowmobilers who want to picnic and take pictures not to mention the poor traditonal "Highmarkers" trying to play their game. To top it all off....these crazies who are jumping outta these big major fuel guzzling flying machines have people who are conected to the media that have been laying blame to the "traditionalist" who want to picnic and play their sport and have the general population believing that they are in no way at fault and are blaming these site seers and picncers. Trust the freakin media....if they need some clarity on this matter....please feel free to pass this along to aid them in their efforts to understand something they simply have no idea of what they are talking about...and how dare them for talking bad about a traditonal sport that our forefathers were lucky enough to continue as a tradition! Some peoples kids!!!! Nothihng is sacred anymore....:d
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Active VIP Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Jackson Hole
We all try to get it over the top of the other side , but those ditchs are steep and deep. Please dont tease your friends that only make it half way, be happy with the beer they will buy you and the end of the day and try harder tomorrow

I can live with that... As long as they throw in a whisky drink every now and again!
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