Feds want in on the Oilsands


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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well, looks like the feds aren't happy with their current piece of the pie, looking to start a "collaborative" effort with Alberta to ensure tighter control of the oilsands and water monitoring. I'm guessing they will also be happy to take a slice of the royalties or the revenue generated fom the oilsands as well, for their part in this "collaborative" effort.

Looks like Ottawa finally had enough of being "have nots" so they are going to muscle their way in to get their share.

heavy d

Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2009
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well, looks like the feds aren't happy with their current piece of the pie, looking to start a "collaborative" effort with Alberta to ensure tighter control of the oilsands and water monitoring. I'm guessing they will also be happy to take a slice of the royalties or the revenue generated fom the oilsands as well, for their part in this "collaborative" effort.

Looks like Ottawa finally had enough of being "have nots" so they are going to muscle their way in to get their share.

WOW......you should have seen the look of surprise on my face...my mouth was a perfect "O"......hahahahahaha

friggin' gov't


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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well, looks like the feds aren't happy with their current piece of the pie, looking to start a "collaborative" effort with Alberta to ensure tighter control of the oilsands and water monitoring. I'm guessing they will also be happy to take a slice of the royalties or the revenue generated fom the oilsands as well, for their part in this "collaborative" effort.

Looks like Ottawa finally had enough of being "have nots" so they are going to muscle their way in to get their share.

Where did you read that they wanted a bigger cut? I would like tyo see that article/.

I think it is a good idea that the federal government is helping with the monitoring revamp. The feds already take a whack of revenue, did you really think Alberta is the only place that benifits from oil?
The Oilsands are a huge boost to the Canadian economy, And Canada knows that. It's about time they took part in the responsibility of the good and bad of this industry. American oil companies that are also extracting the oil up there...What about them?


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Where did you read that they wanted a bigger cut? I would like tyo see that article/.

I think it is a good idea that the federal government is helping with the monitoring revamp. The feds already take a whack of revenue, did you really think Alberta is the only place that benifits from oil?
The Oilsands are a huge boost to the Canadian economy, And Canada knows that. It's about time they took part in the responsibility of the good and bad of this industry. American oil companies that are also extracting the oil up there...What about them?

There is no published article, its reading between the lines. If you don't believe that the feds are using the recommendations by their expert panel to leverage their way into the moneymarket generated by the oilsands, you arent' seeing the forest through the trees. Scotts hit the nail on the head, another NEP (but they won't call it that) where the feds get involved at a very high level and then take a big cut of the pie for doing virtually nothing. Give them a few years to make policy and then we'll see what you have to say when the federal gas tax goes up and your $$$ is being spent on paving roads in Ontario and not on infrastructure in your home province ;)


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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Hmmm... All I can find in the news is that the Feds are being blamed for their lack of responsibility in regulating a potential enviromental concern. I guess you can make up your own theories, but if you think the Alberta government can alone change the color of the brush that was painted upon us...you are in for a surprise.
In case you read between the lines and didn't pick up On the past news... Alberta's tarsands have come across great scrutiny for possibly being an environmental disaster... Don't you think it is the Feds responsibility?


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Hmmm... All I can find in the news is that the Feds are being blamed for their lack of responsibility in regulating a potential enviromental concern. I guess you can make up your own theories, but if you think the Alberta government can alone change the color of the brush that was painted upon us...you are in for a surprise.
In case you read between the lines and didn't pick up On the past news... Alberta's tarsands have come across great scrutiny for possibly being an environmental disaster... Don't you think it is the Feds responsibility?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Ft Mac is uber-clean, what I'm saying is the Feds pulled a panel of experts condemning the oilsands monitoring, likely what you will see is them put a plan in place that details Alberta Environment (AENV) to a monitoring program that is already in the works, and then leave AENV to administrate and deal with it, they will go back to doing nothing except reading the annual report that is issued from AENV. For their "contribution", they will write into the policy a huge cut of revenue from the oilsands, for "their" monitoring collaboration. No I don't think its the Feds responsbility, I think it is up to AENV to regulate in their own house. Curious as to why you think the Feds are actually going to do anything more than top-dress the issue with policy and then leave it up to someone else to handle?

No I don't think that AENV can change the colour of the brush we were painted with, however the oilsands is the "flavour of the week" so blame the oilsands for being a disaster if you want, maybe you should go to some countries like Peru or Russia and see lakes of oil spilled on the surface (literally lakes), these are caused by the very same oil companies operating in the oilsands. Hell in most of these countries there would be no water treatment at all, they would discharge the tailings directly to the river.

Oil comes from the tarsands, gas comes from oil, your sled burns gas.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
i would say everyone would like to get there hands on the pie, all i can say it is all the fault of engineers, those bastages, always putting there hands on the pie.

friggin government+engineers, get back to work


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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No I don't think that AENV can change the colour of the brush we were painted with, however the oilsands is the "flavour of the week" so blame the oilsands for being a disaster if you want, maybe you should go to some countries like Peru or Russia and see lakes of oil spilled on the surface (literally lakes), these are caused by the very same oil companies operating in the oilsands. Hell in most of these countries there would be no water treatment at all, they would discharge the tailings directly to the river.

Very true. As well when the human costs are figured into the equation, Canadian oil is the cleanest oil on the planet.
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