EPA restrictions. Maybe its someone else's turn?

DV8ED Digger

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Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
There are on average approximately 93,000 commercial flights every day of the year and the average commercial flight is approximately 5hrs.
A 747 will burn 82000 litres (21693 U.S. gallons) of fuel in5 hours. (Averages calculated from statistics on this page http://www.ehow.com/about_6171011_much-fuel-747-jet-burn_.html)

Not all planes are 747’s so if we cut the number of commercial flights in half to account for the variables we will have 46,500commercial flights at an average of 5hrs per flight in one day. (This is a completely unscientific comparison just to try and gain some perspective.)

So we have: 46500 5hour flights
Burning: 82,000Litres of fuel
Equals: 3,813,000,000 Litres of fuel (1,008,730,159 U.S. gallons. (Yes… That’s 3.8Billion!) Every day. All year. Year after year with air travel only expected to increase.

According to this site: there were 2,152,902 snowmobiles registered between Canada and the U.S. in 2011.
If every U.S. and Canadian registered sled was run for 5 hours at exactly the same time they would burn approximately 73,272,263 liters (19,384,197U.S. Gallons) of fuel. (Based my own consumption rate of ¾ of a 10 gallon tank for 5 hours of riding in the mountains).
Chances of every sled running at the same time is very remote so I’m thinking the actual 5hr consumption rate would be significantly reduced. Given that not everyone rides at the same time, is it reasonable to even cut that in half or even by 75% to be more realistic?

Based on a 120 day riding season the numbers get even more skewed.

120 days of fuel consumption per year for sleds would be nearly 8.8 billion litres (2.33 billion U.S. gallons). If we applied my guess of a 75% reduction we would be at 582,500,000 litres (154,100,529 U.S. gallons)

Where 365 days of jet fuel consumption would be 1.39E12 Litres of fuel… thats 1,390,000,000,000 (I think...)(367,724,867,725 U.S. Gallons)

My point? Maybe the EPA can concentrate on cleaning up other industries before imposing more restrictions on my clean burning ethanol powered sled.


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2008
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Sicamous\Swansea Point
ya but just think how much tax money is made from the airplane companies on gas alone.......then there is the buy outs so they get away with more!
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