Anyone know if there's any area maps online for the trails around Edson? A few of us are thinking of going up there in the next couple of days and a little knowledge of the area always helps.
Can you post some pics? i would love to go snowmobiling in the Edson area but i'm not to sure of the snow conditions? I have been to Edson in the past years and the trails are well marked, easy to ride on, i don't think that you would have any problems finding your way around. Have fun!!!!
A buddy and myself rode a la peche lake, south of grande cache today, the snow was phenomenal. Its not really much further than edson, 2 hrs north on hwy 40 :d
would also like to go, a buddy has went to robb and said snow was good. They just found a place to unload and headed out, ditch bang,cutlines and had a blast. If anyone needs a partner to go pm me. Good luck...
snow conditions are pretty good here you can unload on the north end of town rite by a sign that says doktor oilfeild hauling and head out north from there ride up to silver summit ski hill and go norht out of there its pretty deep to the north west they make a good ceaser in the bar at the ski hill nice 2 hour ride groomed trails trail passes are sold at midwest glass or riderz