Who knows what this is? I got a good idea. Just wondering? Those that do not need to listen. My papers said that gas could go to $8.00 per gallon. Elec bills could double. All this because of Earth man Al.
It means that they put a cap on emissions levels which when exceeded companies pay fines. But if a company has emissions that are lower than the cap, they can trade or sell that emission space to another company (for less than the fine would be) so that they have room to pollute more. = Expenses for high emission industries would increase while low emission industries icnome would increase. Supporters of this system think it would all balance out in the end. Prolly not. I think that's what it's all about.
Cap and trade is like Enron all over again. They can "sell" or "buy" carbon credits, so in realilty they are just trading paper saying that you have or need x amount of credits.
It's a little spookey how far they could limit a persons life if it ever passed and the gov wanted too.
It's worth doing reasearch on.............and once you do that make sure to call your senator to let them know what you think.