battery questions


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2008
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Sicamous\Swansea Point
I need to put a new battery in my 06 apex......I looked into the one that weights just a few pounds, but they dont stand up to the cranking in the cold! so I'm just going to get a fiberglass matt type that you can flip up side down and nothing comes question is in the book there is one for an apex and a different one for the RX1.......the RX1 has more cranking and is slightly bigger......something about the numbers being a 16 and one beening a 20 (I forgot the number) why would the RX1 have more cranking power....doesnt the Apex have more elec draw (Fuel injection)???? I dont have my battery out to measure it but I'm sure that the slighty bigger RX1 battery will fit........does anyone know? with batteries, I have allways tried to replace with the biggest battery that will fit in the original never now when I will be installing that big booming stereo on the sled, or a warn
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