Bar Height Vid


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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I used to believe that tall bars were the answer on both my sled and dirtbike. Once a friend convinced me to go lower on both i will never look back.


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
What do you notice that makes it better?

Well, there's a few things in my opinion.
1. Taller bars gives the sled more leverage on the rider, when going through a rough section with the bars wanting to jerk side to side the taller they are the easier they can move, thus making it harder to handle.
2. Like Dave pointed out, the more bend you have in your arms means the more you pull with your arms and not your body. If you straightened your arms and pulled the sled over with tall bars you would be way off the side of the sled once it tipped.
3. When climbing and the sled starts to wheely its easier to maintain a strong body position with lower bars. The higher the bars are, means the further back you are hanging when wheelying.
4. The overall feel and control of the sled is better, less bar movement is required to get the same amount of sled movement if you know what i mean.

Sorry for rambling on, some people like them higher so its each to their own. My magic number to set my height is 900mm. I measure straight down from the center of the bar to the furthest point forward on the running board i can get the tape to (its pretty much straight down). On my axys thats the mid height bar, on my XM i replaced the stock riser with a 4" height.
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