B.C. risks return to severe pandemic restrictions


Active VIP Member
Dec 12, 2008
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My son just spent 3 days this past weekend riding staying and eating in Golden with no issues. Said there was maybe 50 sleds on Satrurday no grooming yet. Snow was ok had to be careful they didnt have any carnage. Only rode Quartz.

Barry Barton

Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Edmonton AB
I'm with you on that also. I give a fictitious name and phone number whenever asked for tracing purposes (ie restaurant). They can stick where the sun doesn't shine. I will not wear a mask and I will walk into places that say I have to wear a mask without a mask. If I get a hassle, I will go else where or do without.
Two bad you think that way. You are the same as all the farmers in southern Manitoba that go to a coffe shop and think the same way. My brother in law was the same way , caught the covid and ended up in the hospital for a few days. There was a total of 15 men that caught the covid and 2 are in icu and their not sure they are going to make it. The person that started it came from another province and didn't self quariten and their the one that started all of this in the restraunt. He was a young guy that said screw the quariten and now theres a chance that one of his dads friends is going to die, so if this is the way you feel I hope you don't have this happen to you and you are the person that gives it to someone you love. I HOPE YOU CAN LIVE WITH YOURS SELF BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN IF I GIVE IT TO SOMEONE IN MY FAMILY. Because I didn't want to wear a mask.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Two bad you think that way. You are the same as all the farmers in southern Manitoba that go to a coffe shop and think the same way. My brother in law was the same way , caught the covid and ended up in the hospital for a few days. There was a total of 15 men that caught the covid and 2 are in icu and their not sure they are going to make it. The person that started it came from another province and didn't self quariten and their the one that started all of this in the restraunt. He was a young guy that said screw the quariten and now theres a chance that one of his dads friends is going to die, so if this is the way you feel I hope you don't have this happen to you and you are the person that gives it to someone you love. I HOPE YOU CAN LIVE WITH YOURS SELF BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN IF I GIVE IT TO SOMEONE IN MY FAMILY. Because I didn't want to wear a mask.

were all gonna get it. That’s the story. It’s just a matter of when


Active member
Dec 12, 2015
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Two bad you think that way. You are the same as all the farmers in southern Manitoba that go to a coffe shop and think the same way. My brother in law was the same way , caught the covid and ended up in the hospital for a few days. There was a total of 15 men that caught the covid and 2 are in icu and their not sure they are going to make it. The person that started it came from another province and didn't self quariten and their the one that started all of this in the restraunt. He was a young guy that said screw the quariten and now theres a chance that one of his dads friends is going to die, so if this is the way you feel I hope you don't have this happen to you and you are the person that gives it to someone you love. I HOPE YOU CAN LIVE WITH YOURS SELF BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN IF I GIVE IT TO SOMEONE IN MY FAMILY. Because I didn't want to wear a mask.

If you want me to be responsible for YOUR health then fine, but i'll slap the beer out of your hands and force you to lose 20lbs before I wear a mask.


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
Two bad you think that way. You are the same as all the farmers in southern Manitoba that go to a coffe shop and think the same way. My brother in law was the same way , caught the covid and ended up in the hospital for a few days. There was a total of 15 men that caught the covid and 2 are in icu and their not sure they are going to make it. The person that started it came from another province and didn't self quariten and their the one that started all of this in the restraunt. He was a young guy that said screw the quariten and now theres a chance that one of his dads friends is going to die, so if this is the way you feel I hope you don't have this happen to you and you are the person that gives it to someone you love. I HOPE YOU CAN LIVE WITH YOURS SELF BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN IF I GIVE IT TO SOMEONE IN MY FAMILY. Because I didn't want to wear a mask.

I do feel sorry for the sad story that you presented but you are a fear mongerer. You are just like the government; just like the media. I am sorry you think that way. I'm not mixing politics with a disease. I will do what I have to do to keep myself healthy and it sure as hell isn't wearing a mask. Just because some politician thinks they know more about medicine than a lot of doctors who are very well versed in the science of viruses, doesn't mean I have to follow the opinion they are forcing down our throats.

Case in point; the Saskatchewan government has mandated masks in all public places and recommends the wearing of masks when one is outdoors. Give your head a shake and start thinking. Are you going to catch this disease walking down the street or on a path in the bush with your immunity system fully charged and your body in good health? I don't think so. It I do catch it, I am certain I will survive and not end up a statistic because I look after myself.

I have been polite and social distanced so that other people are comfortable but I draw the line at the mask. Somewhere in this craziness a person has to be "his own man". BTW, self-quarantine isn't necessary between all provinces for travel and that IMHO is as crazy as the mask scenario. If one has a positive test and it is a true positive, then by all means, if the symptoms develop, I would self-quarantine. But it I decided to go to Alberta and do some shopping, or visiting, I am not going to self-quarantine on the advice of some brain washed government official who is sucking up to superiors and and helping to perpetuate some phucking agenda.

It is real funny when one goes out in the bush and you talk to the people who also go out in the bush. Everything out there is pretty much normal thank God!! The populated world is in such a crazy state and the have swallowed, hook line and sinker all the BS they are confronted with on main stream media that they, for self preservation, have to stay home and wear masks...................I really hope The Donald can put together what he has to to be re-elected because he is the only person with the balls to stand up for what western democracy is about. If sleepy Joe and his cronies get in we are doomed.


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
I do feel sorry for the sad story that you presented but you are a fear mongerer. You are just like the government; just like the media. I am sorry you think that way. I'm not mixing politics with a disease. I will do what I have to do to keep myself healthy and it sure as hell isn't wearing a mask. Just because some politician thinks they know more about medicine than a lot of doctors who are very well versed in the science of viruses, doesn't mean I have to follow the opinion they are forcing down our throats.

Case in point; the Saskatchewan government has mandated masks in all public places and recommends the wearing of masks when one is outdoors. Give your head a shake and start thinking. Are you going to catch this disease walking down the street or on a path in the bush with your immunity system fully charged and your body in good health? I don't think so. It I do catch it, I am certain I will survive and not end up a statistic because I look after myself.

I have been polite and social distanced so that other people are comfortable but I draw the line at the mask. Somewhere in this craziness a person has to be "his own man". BTW, self-quarantine isn't necessary between all provinces for travel and that IMHO is as crazy as the mask scenario. If one has a positive test and it is a true positive, then by all means, if the symptoms develop, I would self-quarantine. But it I decided to go to Alberta and do some shopping, or visiting, I am not going to self-quarantine on the advice of some brain washed government official who is sucking up to superiors and and helping to perpetuate some phucking agenda.

It is real funny when one goes out in the bush and you talk to the people who also go out in the bush. Everything out there is pretty much normal thank God!! The populated world is in such a crazy state and the have swallowed, hook line and sinker all the BS they are confronted with on main stream media that they, for self preservation, have to stay home and wear masks...................I really hope The Donald can put together what he has to to be re-elected because he is the only person with the balls to stand up for what western democracy is about. If sleepy Joe and his cronies get in we are doomed.
Double doomed, cause dumb dumb will help him out


Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Northern AB & BC
Two bad you think that way. You are the same as all the farmers in southern Manitoba that go to a coffe shop and think the same way. My brother in law was the same way , caught the covid and ended up in the hospital for a few days. There was a total of 15 men that caught the covid and 2 are in icu and their not sure they are going to make it. The person that started it came from another province and didn't self quariten and their the one that started all of this in the restraunt. He was a young guy that said screw the quariten and now theres a chance that one of his dads friends is going to die, so if this is the way you feel I hope you don't have this happen to you and you are the person that gives it to someone you love. I HOPE YOU CAN LIVE WITH YOURS SELF BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN IF I GIVE IT TO SOMEONE IN MY FAMILY. Because I didn't want to wear a mask.

Yes, I can and will sleep well at night. I do appreciate your thoughts on my well being.


Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Northern AB & BC

For The Greater Good


Active VIP Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Dundurn, Sask. Canada
I do feel sorry for the sad story that you presented but you are a fear mongerer. You are just like the government; just like the media. I am sorry you think that way. I'm not mixing politics with a disease. I will do what I have to do to keep myself healthy and it sure as hell isn't wearing a mask. Just because some politician thinks they know more about medicine than a lot of doctors who are very well versed in the science of viruses, doesn't mean I have to follow the opinion they are forcing down our throats.

Case in point; the Saskatchewan government has mandated masks in all public places and recommends the wearing of masks when one is outdoors. Give your head a shake and start thinking. Are you going to catch this disease walking down the street or on a path in the bush with your immunity system fully charged and your body in good health? I don't think so. It I do catch it, I am certain I will survive and not end up a statistic because I look after myself.

I have been polite and social distanced so that other people are comfortable but I draw the line at the mask. Somewhere in this craziness a person has to be "his own man". BTW, self-quarantine isn't necessary between all provinces for travel and that IMHO is as crazy as the mask scenario. If one has a positive test and it is a true positive, then by all means, if the symptoms develop, I would self-quarantine. But it I decided to go to Alberta and do some shopping, or visiting, I am not going to self-quarantine on the advice of some brain washed government official who is sucking up to superiors and and helping to perpetuate some phucking agenda.

It is real funny when one goes out in the bush and you talk to the people who also go out in the bush. Everything out there is pretty much normal thank God!! The populated world is in such a crazy state and the have swallowed, hook line and sinker all the BS they are confronted with on main stream media that they, for self preservation, have to stay home and wear masks...................I really hope The Donald can put together what he has to to be re-elected because he is the only person with the balls to stand up for what western democracy is about. If sleepy Joe and his cronies get in we are doomed.

Fawk. Ya. Well said!!

Barry Barton

Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Edmonton AB
were all gonna get it. That’s the story. It’s just a matter of when
Not fear mongering just reality. This is what happened, it has nothing to do with politics. I didn't get the information from the goverment I got it from the horse's mouth. So if you don't want to wear a mask that's your choice but don't get pissed of when you are refused service and most of the companys have know choys because thats the rules they have to do to keep their business open. Walking down the street is stupid but in a inclosed area is different.

Barry Barton

Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Edmonton AB
That's a interesting comment about the doctors their the peaple that are asking us to wear a mask and that we should shut the province down for another month. So same thing it's coming from the horses mouth not the goverment. I hope you are right about your health but how about all of the seneiors and peaple that have other health problems like assma and breathing problems. You comment about if you get sick you will self-quarantine, good to hear but you could be a carrier and not know it so what do you do then. Going to another province I agree with you but if you don't wear a masked when you are told to then you have the chance of bringing it home and give it to your parents who are seniors and the most vunrable, so good luck with that. As for trump or trudou I don't know who's the biggest wing nut. They have both been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and nothing has happened. Wear as for us if we did what they have done we would be in jail.
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