tree magnet 155
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Any thoughts on the 2013 Summit 800 Sport? Has anyone picked one of these units up?
Any thoughts on the 2013 Summit 800 Sport? Has anyone picked one of these units up?
best machine for the value , very solid proven machine
Thats my thoughts, bang for buck. Picked one up a few weeks back. Did the T-Motion install as well, no flex track though, gonna see how the stock track works out first. Never owned a Rev Chassis Doo before, thought this would be a good unit for testing the waters.
Huh that sure makes my 10 not worth much.
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Yes it does forsure.
Same as all the 11-12 xp out there.
Makes them not work squat either.
sent from my htc
I always hear great things about Banner out that way. Or you can save a bunch in tax and go to Mr. R's just across the border here in AB. For some reason I hear great things about them. Not sure why???
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