No people quadding in there in summer??
sent while drinking tea's
Arff started a clean up thread for us this year on the mud site, maybe the time has come for the sled folks too.
We cleaned and cleared trails, worked at parking lots and bush camp sights too.
Take pictures and post up a "what you and your group did too resolve the issues with a right up."
The thread will benefit all of you as it shares in information on how you folks can improve the quality of the sport.
Just an idea as we are all in this together.
It's up to one of the better known sled bros to fire up a clean up sled stuff thread.
Just an idea all.
Pal Don
No people quadding in there in summer??
sent while drinking tea's
Nope, just asking if summer time riding is in there alsoHanging quadders these days? Et tu, Tex? Eh tu?