Aboriginal protests in Canada.


Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2011
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One thing I find funny is all these freeloading azzhats, yes they are all freeloaders, cause if they weren't they would be at work instead of blocking traffic on the highway.
So all these freeloading chugs stop hundreds of vehicles on major highways and none get arrested but dancing Dan gets arrested for dancing in an intersection and not interfering with anyone's day. Don't make sense to me.
These "protesters" freeloaders for short have no idea even what they are protesting most just jump on a bandwagon and go.
I liked the guy with the balls to make his own sign about the freeloading natives wish I could remember exactly how he wrote it but it was funny.
If they want equality no pipelines, etc get a real job and support your lazy azz like the rest of the country and vote on the things that matter to you no more free house,land,truck,etc

Did you just call me a "chug" ? I work and pay my taxes but you still have the mentality to refer to natives as chugs. This is one of the reasons i believe in Idle No More. Starting to remind me of when all the blacks back in the day standing up for themselves. Think you belong in the south. You have the nerve to refer to us as chugs what would happen if you used the N word.


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May 5, 2007
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stony plain
I have a lot worse words for free loaders that rape and pillage what is giving to them and then scream the racism when they are getting cut off! Or just heard accountable for where they spent Trillions!!! What was the original deal with the natives after the white man kicked their buts?
If any one knows a link to the first original treaty was?


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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As a native i do not believe in the blockades. All it does is piss a lot of people off. But on the other hand it is way better then violence. Take the student protests in Quebec or Occupy as an example. Or for the poor Canuck fans the riots after the cup. And as for dismantling the treaties see the pic below lol

Ha Ha, where is the next part that says "my mortgage is paid"????


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Interesting read.....although without direct quotes from the legislation it's little more than someones opinion/interpretation....as is most of what we read in the media these days

Here's a little bit different perspective copied from the Globe and Mail.

Canada's " Natives " Globe & Mail comment
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012
Canada's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.

Now this could stir up a bit of a debate...but it is food for thoughts regarding comments from a reader in the Globe and Mail. It's a short history lesson on natives.

This land does NOT belong to them. Why do some people keep saying that it does? Is it because that's what they want you to believe? Well then the marketing campaign must be working.

Let's get this straight...

1. These people's ancestors did not just appear in North America magically out of thin air one day 50,000 years ago. They came in waves across the land/ice bridge from Asia. What's more these waves, in many cases, were not related groups of people. They came from various places around North Eastern Asia and were from different genetic strains....in other words the natives of North America are not a homogenous group of people and more importantly.... They are immigrants too, like millions of immigrants today.

2. The idea that the "natives" were peaceful caretakers of the land or benevolent tenants couldn't be further from the truth. The various tribes warred on each other constantly. They were violent. Want proof? Ask the Huron's...oh that's right you can't. The Iroquois wiped them out. How about slavery that was rife among the first nation tribes until the Europeans came over and freed the slaves and put an end to this "valued cultural tradition"? Is slavery peaceful and humane?

3. The idea that we "stole" this land from them is also ridiculous. A more technologically advanced and larger culture invaded and conquered. This is exactly what has been happening since the dawn of humanity all around the globe. To say we "stole" their lands is just plain wrong. That is akin to saying the Saxons should return England to the Angles. Or maybe we should launch a campaign to have Roman descendants give Italy back to the Etruscans.

It is a nonsensical notion driven by the politically correct bleeding hearts on the left and some intellectually deficient liberals, and it will continue to cost this country needless and wasted billions and billions until we get some backbone and turn off the taps.

Are these people in trouble? Yes. Do they need help? Yes. Are they responsible enough to look after themselves and efficiently spend the billions the tax payers give them? Certainly not.

The only way to fix this situation is to bring them into society as equals. They should be getting jobs and paying taxes like the rest of us because in reality, they are no more special than any of the other hundred or more cultures that call Canada home.

Turn off the taps. Do away with this "traditional use" and "cultural" nonsense. Educate their children to become modern citizens, instead of finding their identity and source of pride in some folks who occupied the land 15000 years ago. Let them stand or fall on their own account.

Just had to repeat that


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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I had actually read the treaty pertaining to our area a few years back, and just went back and read it again as I thought there were a few interesting things in it. The first is in regard to the roadblocks.

The last paragraph has it in it "...and that they will not molest the person or property of any inhabitant of such ceded tracts, or the property of Her Majesty the Queen, or interfere with or trouble any person passing or travelling through the said tract..."

Seems to me that what idle no more is doing is a violation of the treaty.

Here's the link so you can read it yourself

The more one researches and reads the more I LMFAO at the whining holligans. They are doing the very thing they protest, breaking their sacred treaty. Yes I am painting every protester and supporter with the same broad brush they they have so clearly provided.


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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Just had to repeat that

Chief Clarence Louie, Osoyoos BC speaking in Northern Alberta :

Speaking to a large aboriginal conference and some of the attendees, including a few who hold high office, have straggled in.

'I can't stand people who are late, he says into the microphone. Indian Time doesn't cut it. '
Some giggle, but no one is quite sure how far he is going to go. Just sit back and listen:

'My first rule for success is Show up on time.'
'My No. 2 rule for success is follow Rule No. 1.'
'If your life sucks, it's because you suck.'
'Quit your sniffling.'
'Join the real world. Go to school, or get a job.'
'Get off of welfare. Get off your butt.'

He pauses, seeming to gauge whether he dare, then does.
'People often say to me, How you doin'? Geez I'm working with Indians what do you think?'
Now they are openly laughing ..... applauding. Clarence Louie is everything that was advertised and more.

'Our ancestors worked for a living, he says. So should you.'

He is, fortunately, aboriginal himself. If someone else stood up and said these things - the white columnist standing there with his mouth open, for example - you'd be seen as a racist. Instead, Chief Clarence Louie is seen, increasingly, as one of the most interesting and innovative native leaders in the country even though he avoids national politics.

He has come here to Fort McMurray because the aboriginal community needs, desperately, to start talking about economic development and what all this multibillion-dollar oil madness might mean, for good and for bad.

Clarence Louie is chief and CEO of the Osoyoos Band in British Columbia's South Okanagan. He is 44 years old, though he looks like he would have been an infant when he began his remarkable 20-year-run as chief.. He took a band that had been declared bankrupt and taken over by Indian Affairs and he has turned in into an inspiration.

In 2000, the band set a goal of becoming self-sufficient in five years. They're there.

The Osoyoos, 432 strong, own, among other things, a vineyard, a winery, a golf course and a tourist resort, and they are partners in the Baldy Mountain ski development. They have more businesses per capita than any other first nation in Canada.

There are not only enough jobs for everyone, there are so many jobs being created that there are now members of 13 other tribal communities working for the Osoyoos. The little band contributes $40-million a year to the area economy.

Chief Louie is tough. He is as proud of the fact that his band fires its own people as well as hires them. He has his mottos posted throughout the Rez. He believes there is no such thing as consensus, that there will always be those who disagree. And, he says, he is milquetoast compared to his own mother when it comes to how today's lazy aboriginal youth, almost exclusively male, should be dealt with.

Rent a plane, she told him, and fly them all to Iraq. Dump'em off and all the ones who make it back are keepers. Right on, Mom.
The message he has brought here to the Chipewyan, Dene and Cree who live around the oil sands is equally direct: 'Get involved, create jobs and meaningful jobs, not just window dressing for the oil companies.'

'The biggest employer,' he says, 'shouldn't be the band office.'

He also says the time has come to get over it. 'No more whining about 100-year-old failed experiments.' 'No foolishly looking to the Queen to protect rights.'

Louie says aboriginals here and along the Mackenzie Valley should not look at any sharing in development as rocking-chair money but as investment opportunity to create sustainable businesses. He wants them to move beyond entry-level jobs to real jobs they earn all the way to the boardrooms. He wants to see business manners develop: showing up on time, working extra hours. The business lunch, he says, should be drive through, and then right back at it.

'You're going to lose your language and culture faster in poverty than you will in economic development', he says to those who say he is ignoring tradition.

Tough talk, at times shocking talk given the audience, but on this day in this community, they took it and, judging by the response, they loved it.

Eighty per cent like what I have to say, Louie says, twenty per cent don't. I always say to the 20 per cent, 'Get over it.' 'Chances are you're never going to see me again and I'm never going to see you again' 'Get some counseling.'

The first step, he says, is all about leadership. He prides himself on being a stay-home chief who looks after the potholes in his own backyard and wastes no time running around fighting 100-year-old battles.

'The biggest challenge will be how you treat your own people.'

'Blaming government? That time is over.'

And another good repeat


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Did you just call me a "chug" ? I work and pay my taxes but you still have the mentality to refer to natives as chugs. This is one of the reasons i believe in Idle No More. Starting to remind me of when all the blacks back in the day standing up for themselves. Think you belong in the south. You have the nerve to refer to us as chugs what would happen if you used the N word.

If you have a job and pay taxes and don't live for free off the working class then NO.
If you don't have a job don't pay taxes never have paid taxes live for free off the working stiffs taxes. Well then. Ya I guess I did. Just sayin if it looks like a skunk and smells like a skunk chances are it isn't a cat :)


Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2011
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If you have a job and pay taxes and don't live for free off the working class then NO.
If you don't have a job don't pay taxes never have paid taxes live for free off the working stiffs taxes. Well then. Ya I guess I did. Just sayin if it looks like a skunk and smells like a skunk chances are it isn't a cat :)

I have worked since i was 13 and pay taxes. But as a native the word chug is like calling a black man nigger. So are you calling all the natives that live on the rez or that are protesting chugs ? The last time someone said that to me was over 20 years ago. Went into a place for a job and the second thing out of the guys mouth was a joke with chug in it. I still laugh about it not because of the joke but i wonder how long it took him to get up off the floor needless to say i never got the job.


Active VIP Member
Jun 8, 2008
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Did you just call me a "chug" ? I work and pay my taxes but you still have the mentality to refer to natives as chugs. This is one of the reasons i believe in Idle No More. Starting to remind me of when all the blacks back in the day standing up for themselves. Think you belong in the south. You have the nerve to refer to us as chugs what would happen if you used the N word.

The "blacks" wernt sucking the political funding system dry and never wanted money or pay outs or special rights. They were after equality and they got it, bringing up the "blacks back in the daystanding up for themselves" isint even a relivant comparison.

mxzretta from your posts you sound like a truly out standing member of society and thats GREAT i know beating the sterotype is a hard thing to do and there is no doubt that you have worked hard for what you have. I think our big problem with the native population is the total ignorance and lack of responsibility for government funding and unfortunatly a select few can tarnish a reputation for an entire group.

As a tax payer and a contributing citizen are you honestly ok with the ways the funding is spent?

Dont think im calling you out in any way i value your input on this subject and think its great that we can get another point of view on the hole debate it sounds to me like you feel like "your" being victomized and that some of the opinions on here are directed at you but they arnt im sure alot of people on here are speaking on the select few that do abuse the system. I dont take anything personal when some rips on white people.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
I am silent no more.

Road blocks? Train blocks? WTF are these idiots thinking? Talk about biting the hand that feeds. Talk about pokin' the bear. They're going to get a result alright....and they aren't going to like it.

go get em dave o, yer right, they may not like the results.


Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2011
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The "blacks" wernt sucking the political funding system dry and never wanted money or pay outs or special rights. They were after equality and they got it, bringing up the "blacks back in the daystanding up for themselves" isint even a relivant comparison.

mxzretta from your posts you sound like a truly out standing member of society and thats GREAT i know beating the sterotype is a hard thing to do and there is no doubt that you have worked hard for what you have. I think our big problem with the native population is the total ignorance and lack of responsibility for government funding and unfortunatly a select few can tarnish a reputation for an entire group.

As a tax payer and a contributing citizen are you honestly ok with the ways the funding is spent?

Dont think im calling you out in any way i value your input on this subject and think its great that we can get another point of view on the hole debate it sounds to me like you feel like "your" being victomized and that some of the opinions on here are directed at you but they arnt im sure alot of people on here are speaking on the select few that do abuse the system. I dont take anything personal when some rips on white people.

As a native taxpayer no i am not ok with the way the funding is spent. But i am tired of all the stereotyping. My wife who is white cannot believe the ch!t i put up with when we are out. And that is why i am speaking up my children and grandchildren have the right to grow up without being stereotyped. Just as much as my step children have the right to be proud that they are white. And they are proud but they dont rag on other races or cultures. And as for the black thing there were many people when that was going on blaming them for being on welfare, crime and being a burden on society.
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Active VIP Member
Sep 18, 2007
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Red Deer area
As a native taxpayer no i am not ok with the way the funding is spent. But i am tired of all the stereotyping. My wife who is white cannot believe the ch!t i put up with when we are out. And that is why i am speaking up my children and grandchildren have the right to grow up without being stereotyped. Just as much as my step children have the right to be proud that they are white. And they are proud but they dont rag on other races or cultures.
I am with ya on that. Racism is ugly and out of place in a modern civilized society. But I don't think that "Idle No More" is about that. You can't support INM just because you have some DNA. I don't support the "Siol nan Gaidheal"just because I am 1/2 Scottish. Jus sayin'.


Active VIP Member
Jun 8, 2008
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Racism is the down side and unfortunatly in todays world it is still previlant.

But i think a step in the right direction would be to start a plan where we slowly pull funding and keep education a proirity for the native population that way people have tons of options to become self sufficant and to start contributing to society. Were not leaving anybody high and dry a choice is given to better ones situation i think that would be the best way to curb the stereo type and a lot of the racism.

If the government said that i have ten years to go to school free u bet your ass i would go.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
I have a lot worse words for free loaders that rape and pillage what is giving to them and then scream the racism when they are getting cut off! Or just heard accountable for where they spent Trillions!!! What was the original deal with the natives after the white man kicked their buts?
If any one knows a link to the first original treaty was?

as far as i know, no indians in canada had there butts wipped, now the US ofA may have been another story. u may have watched to many hollywood movies.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch

i sure hope ya don't think thats funny! this type of comment(video) is part of the problem. what are you trying to promote.

the natives in canda were allies to the british(canadians) in the wars between british, french and the americans. the british never beat the natives as such but they (natives), definitly were abused over the years. still just can't understand where yer going with this shheet.?
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Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
pretty long, but a good read...by a native gentleman by the name of Anthony Sowan that "gets it"

"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake, you are the same decaying matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile" - Fight Club

I...'ve been #IdleTooLong about this whole topic, and I feel like I need to express my point of view without disrupting innocent travelers on highways, and cargo carrying freight trains.
First, allow me to clarify that I am a Cree man with full status. I have family in positions of political power in this very province, and should declare that my opinions are my own. While everyone needles over the finite details of the current situation, I'd like to paint my thoughts for you with much broader strokes.

I'm so very proud of my culture. The way the plains Indians lived on this land was a fantastic example of community, art, respect for our environment, ingenuity, and spirituality. I'm proud of the native inspired tattoos that I sport permanently on my body. As a father, I'm teaching my son that same respect and understanding of where his blood derives from, in the hopes that his pride will outshine the prejudice he will inevitably experience growing up, or at some point in his life.

I'm also very proud to be Canadian. Our vast mosaic of cultures, languages, and beliefs make up this welcoming land of opportunity for all. Whether you like it or not, we all have the same citizenship, but some have a different view on the value of it.

I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of the government bills, documentation, or policy that is driving the current protests, but I've intently watched news stories, read columns, and have regularly monitored the comments being made on facebook. Based on all of this, I feel the need to break my silence on this issue.

1 - It's embarrassing how the #IdleNoMore protest is being handled.
Blocking major traffic thoroughfares does nothing good to bring support and awareness to your cause, it creates immediate animosity towards you. Protesting freely in parks or in front of government buildings seems like a much more productive way to attract the attention of those you seek. The politicians. Not the regular welder-Joe who's just trying to get to work. Hold him up and cost him money? See how much support you'll get out of that guy...

Clarify what you are protesting for, or against. I've never seen such a passionate group of people go forward in protest in such disarray, and without clearly stating what it's all about. If it's generally about your need to be consulted, respected, justified for being mistreated, or the preservation of your culture, then let's be out with it and start a constructive discussion.

Understand that you do not need to be consulted for anything any more than the Canadian citizen next to you does. Your opinion on things doesn't count "more" than anyone else's.
Respect is earned, not given.

There's no question that the native people of yesterday were brutalized, hunted, tortured, and humiliated for decades. It's awful, and no one should ever have to suffer like that. The elders of the time signed those treaties to bring peace, and offer what they hoped would be a leg-up in a new world that they realized couldn't be held at bay. But those days are long over. It defies logic to have the current population pay for the tragedies committed by people that came so long before them.

The preservation of your culture is YOUR job, not anyone else's. For example, Polish, Irish, and Ukrainian societies thrive all over the country with very little or no support from government coffers. They celebrate traditional dance, language, and food all by simply passing it down from generation to generation. Native communities can do the very same thing (and generally do), but without financial support.

2 - "This movement is about the whole environment, its not just about the treaties....The bill that passed now un protects the rivers, lakes, forests, land, etc, etc, so we need this bill to further protect ur childrens futures.....thanks to Harper Govt....rigs n developemtn will pollute the air, waters, etc, etc.."

It's no secret that our Canadian economy is driven by the oil and gas industry. Yes, there have been some awful environmental blunders due to a plethora of different reasons. I heartily agree that we need to protect our natural areas that support wildlife, but I also know that there is aggressive legislation, and powerful government offices in place that already have that very same sentiment at heart. Millions of Canadians support green technology and research, as well as lobby for stronger federal policy. So if that's what this is all about, there's no need to blockade anything, as a majority of people would already agree with you.

3 - "It is about the 480 page Bill that the government has passed without you knowing about it. It went through the house of commons and the senate in 2 wks. 480 pgs long...do you think that many people had time to read it? It says that under age criminals can be punished as adults. It makes more budget cuts. The librarians at schools are being budget cut. It is about ALOT more than Aboriginals, it's about everyone in Canada. The Aboriginals are the ones who started to realize the Bill was gonna to do irreversable damage!"

Back in the days of copying notes off a blackboard or projector in school, I'm certain I've WRITTEN 480 pages in two weeks, let alone read that many. In a political world where literacy at a high level is demanded, I'm willing to bet that most could plow through that many pages in a very short period of time. I suppose the content would be laden with bureaucratic jargon and would need time to fully interpret...but that's why you have a legal team.
Quite frankly, I agree with underage criminals being tried as adults, and I'm willing to bet that a landslide majority of Canadians will agree with me.

Budget cuts are a reality of our democratic world. I'm not sure if this means that librarians from schools are being removed, or the library itself, but the fact of the matter is, our schools rely on a healthy economy for funding. When money gets tight, things get sacrificed. I truly hope that the readily available knowledge in a library would be the last to go.

4 - "It's not about the Aboriginals! That is what they are doing to distract you from what it really is about! It only affects the aboriginals- just like it will effect ALL of us!"
This is very confusing, but seems to sum up the general knowledge about what is going on. Who is "they"? Are we going into conspiracy theory depths here? Do people not realize that we have an official opposition in place as a natural government watchdog to debate everything that in-power government is trying to enact? If there were truly earth shattering implications in the bill in question, the opposition would be whistle blowing and bleating into any available microphone available so fast it would make your head spin.

First and foremost, I'm a human being just like you. I believe in equality. Across the board equality. Our country is so multicultural, that to give any specific group levity over everyone else is completely ridiculous. I'm not familiar with the particulars of old treaties signed, but I get the gist because I have used some of the special privileges provided to me. I do not pay for health care. I did for awhile in my young working life, but then the government discovered my native status and sent me a HUGE apology letter, and a cheque for every dime I had put into the system. Odd. I lived just up the street from my fellow truck driving friends, did the same job, paid the same taxes...yet there I was with this benefit because of my racial background and some papers that were signed all those years ago. I've used it for eye wear. This was particularly handy when I was “up against it” financially, but had broken my glasses welding. Here's the thing though, why should I have an advantage on a co-worker who might be in the same situation? It's not fair, and it needs to stop.

I move that Canadians start their own march towards coast to coast equality, or at least the serious discussion of it. Our country should offer no free rides to anyone. No help for those who refuse to help themselves. No quarter for those who would inhibit the lives and success of others. No limit to what anyone can accomplish with a steely resolve, and a great idea. It doesn't matter who built the first camp fires and communities on this land, it's those that work hard to continue to stoke the flames of collective well being that matter.

As a man that stands by his word, I pledge to never again use my native status to further myself in a way that isn't available to every other Canadian. I will leave my son unregistered, and will teach him the importance of keeping it that way. I am a proud native man, and a hard working, forward thinking Canadian that believes the opportunities and advantages this country has to offer should be available to everyone equally.

- Anthony Sowan


Active member
May 5, 2007
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stony plain
I have worked since i was 13 and pay taxes. But as a native the word chug is like calling a black man nigger. So are you calling all the natives that live on the rez or that are protesting chugs ? The last time someone said that to me was over 20 years ago. Went into a place for a job and the second thing out of the guys mouth was a joke with chug in it. I still laugh about it not because of the joke but i wonder how long it took him to get up off the floor needless to say i never got the job.

So what you are saying is you are violent to white people !!!! Good to know and never heard the word chug before thought I HAVE herd them all! Knocking people out for having freedom of speech good chug thing to do!


Active VIP Member
Nov 20, 2006
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i sure hope ya don't think thats funny! this type of comment(video) is part of the problem. what are you trying to promote.

the natives in canda were allies to the british(canadians) in the wars between british, french and the americans. the british never beat the natives as such but they (natives), definitly were abused over the years. still just can't understand where yer going with this shheet.?

Not trying to promote anything. You made a statement that no Canadian indians were abused.I just said you were wrong and you should get your facts straight...And for the record, I am not a supporter of their cause.
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