hey guys im 15 and have a brute force 650i and i was wondering if 29.5 outlwas would fit on a completly stock brute force 650i and and one know how much it would cost to buy them and for insatllation?
you will need a lift kit about 120 i think, also you will need spacers or offset rimms, I would recomend offset rimms, so 400 and then the tires them selfs going to be probaly $900 depending on wear you get emm, then i would highly recomend a clutch kit thats another 200....... Honestly I dont think it is worth it, you would be better off gettin a set of 27'' outlaws and putting a lift kit on your 650 you will have an easyer time riding the thing around and you probaly wount blow a front diff with 27'' laws, 29.5s are awsome ubelivable what they go through but I sold mine cause they are extreamly had on stuff..... just remember if kawi dont warrenty your front diff when you blow it with them big tires its about 3800........ I got luckey on mine.
they cost 800 from gateway honda in edson, they have to order then from highlifter from the usa, rims will cost 400 min. i think your quad is to small for them. i have can-am 800 cluch kit liftkit . and are just about to much tire 4 it. hard on stuff to. but if you can turn the you will go were everyone gets stucke . they are twise the tire zillas are