please can anyone tell me if you can move the entire skid frame back in a 2003 mountain cat to fit my 10 tooth driver as well as a big wheel kit for a 151 track with out extensions?
I just had the skid out of my Cat to change the track. The front mount has 6 holes in it so I drilled all the holes out through the tunnel. When I put it back together I could only get the front mount back in the original hole. I don't see an easy way to do it on mine. By the way mine has 8 tooth drivers with 3 inch pitch.
I dont know about the rest but mine the rails had to be trimmed 1-2" to fit extroverts,I would think with the drop brackets and the way they mount its a bit more than some sleds to move it back.
did your sled come with a 151. I went from a 151 to a 156 just by drilling a new hole for the front mount about 1 inch back from the original hole.Then drilled new holes in the rails to move the rails back on the rear.