3 of my friends are evacuated and 1for sure has lost his place ! Out late last night moving more livestock and a lot of stressed out people. Just the high tension of being in my position alone is a lot and I havent lost anything yet!! If I were to see someone flick a butt out the window the...
Why is it that everyone is still vacationing?? Isnt it faily obvious that hotels etc are needed for evacuees. BC is in an emergency state and its just packed with learner plates! Is there no respect anymore? People of the Okanagan are terrified for their families and belongings yet its overrun...
Hey Cyle! Alberta is part of Canada I guess that makes you a Trudeau supporter! See how stupid that is ? Quit baggin on B.C. just because your easy street dried up! Join the group and suck it up ! We're all getting it up the ass, just not all whining about it