Anyone looking for a riding partner or wouldn't mind a tag along sat or sun?
Intermediate rider with Avi gear and a knows how to use a shovel!
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Nope that wasn't me, I was out on the trails all day Saturday. Great riding and thanks to all you gents who work hard to maintain the trails!
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Hi guys,
Does anyone know if there are cross country ski trails near cataract. Thinking of dropping my girlfriend off somewhere close to ski while I go for a rip.
Would it be too dangerous to ski in cataract with the sled traffic?
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Hey there,
If your looking for a riding partner feel free to give me a call - 403-470-7458.
I picked up a sled last year and just finished my AST1 training last weekend. Living in Calgary and looking to get out to cataract/Fernie/golden.
- jon
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Been riding in the mountains for 1 year, but 20 + in the prairies.
My course will be all day Saturday unfortunately and will be returning to Calgary sat night, so Friday is my only free day
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I'll be taking my AST1 field session on Saturday but will be looking to ride Friday as well. If anyone has the day off shoot me a PM!
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Hey Duncan, I'm 30, also from Calgary and have been riding for ~20 years in the prairies. I just bought a sled this winter to get into the alpine. I have all my Avi gear. Id be game for a day trip tomorrow (sat) if your looking for someone to go with. Probably someplace close like crows...
Hey guys, I've been riding for 20+ years in the prairies and just picked up a sled to get into the alpine out here!
I have all my Avi gear and I'm looking for a few guys to show me the ropes in the mountains/where to go etc.
I'm in south Calgary and can free myself up most weekends and some days...
Hey there,
If your still looking for a riding buddy for Feb.6th I'm looking at driving down to the crowsnest area from Calgary.
Shoot me a message if you want to hook up (403) 470-7458
Hi guys,
I live in Mckenzie Towne and I'm looking for some riding partners.
I've been riding for years in the prairies and just bought a sled to get out into the alpine!
I will be going to Revy from Feb.20-23 and would love to join someone or a group. I will have my girlfriend with me on this...