haha i called him earlier today. hes to busy to do it and he recomended that i just return the kit because i wont get a big hp gain out of it. he also said i should sell my sled and get something different because im a brand new rider i bought an apex last year and rode it twice lol i love it so...
oh thanks for every1s advice im actually in kelowna bc but ill see if i can find anybody yea it does seem like alot of work for an extra 25cc after i think about it i dont know why i did it cuz it seems like im going to have to spend alot more money now lol
i just purchased an overbore 1025cc kit for my apex. My sled has no performance mods on it. I was just wondering if there is anything i need to add on or do to my sled when i put in my kit. Also i read that the kit said that cylinder boring and re-plating required and i have no idea what that...