I had an issue similar to yours it was running really terrible i checked all boost lines and charge pipes and exhaust for leaks but found nothing......pulled plugs and just holding my thumb on each cylinder noticed weak pressure on two cylinders......that really crappy aluminum headshim had...
Water/methanol injection kit. I have run premium at 19lbs at 2200 ft with no issues. My kit is for sale if you are interested.....I really don't use my sled much around home anymore.
Ok So Finally Done.....Here is what it cost.....most are snow and mud and kijiji deals.......track 200, bark buster a arms 350, vinyl and bumper kit on rear 150, running boards 75, simmons skis 200, trail tank full price, water meth 200 +100 for all new stainless steel hoses and gauge, skins...
One last tear down.....Bark buster A arms, Simmons Skis, camo extreme track trimmed to 15.5 Inches wide.
And That seat had to go......Maybe some jeweling on the tunnel and other various parts.....
I think you can test them through your onboard diagnostics....however I am not sure about your auxiliary injectors....I would give Darren a call at e and s motorcycles in the Fort. He is awesome to deal with and will know your setup. Good luck
I run a 270 mcx kit on my nytro. It will roast anything out there on a climb. Trees can be tricky. If you are into climbing a turbo 4 stroke is the way to go for sure. It is an eerie feeling when you are gaining speed up the hill instead of losing it!! I dial it down around home 2200 ft and keep...
Just build one.....my whole kit contains a Devils own pump, varicool controller from cooling mist, injector from cooling mist, pressure gauge from princess auto, a bug washer fluid tank, and some short lengths of stainless steel braided hose from Bosch hydraulics. Whole setup cost me around 400...
Well you know the power of your old nytro......do you want less power? I run the 270 mcx on my nytro and do a ton of prairie riding as well as mountains. I run premium. And if I am running anything over 9 lbs of boost at low elevation my water meth kit kicks in variably up to 19 lbs which I...
I am looking for a skinz seat for my nytro....if anyone is selling their sled and wants to sell with a stock seat I have an anniversary edition black and red seat in mint condition. I will pay a fair price as long as it's in good condition. I am not waiting until January for skinz to ship if I...
Anyone get more miles on their stock engine from simply religiously letting it warm up before honking on the gas? I know that some performance Pistons are egg shaped and get round with heat which means that the tolerances won't be in spec until the engine is warmed up properly.......would this...
I was looking for an rmk 800 for a back up sled but while searching on kijiji found that 95% of the pro rmks have rebuilt engines from 1200-2000 Kms. What's the deal? I know mnt tec has a good fix kit but do they last? Funny Polaris can still push production on these things without correcting...