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  1. S

    Official REVY Riding Conditions 2013/14

    Hey I'm in revy and today I broke and some how lost my bushing for my steering in my 2013 cat 800 does anyone by chance have a spare one or know where I can buy one? Sorry it's not related to conditions... Conditions today were foggy lots of tracks but fresh to be found in trees
  2. S

    Official REVY Riding conditions 2012/13

    No not everywhere. It's an option around this area! Thanks for the anwser!
  3. S

    Official REVY Riding conditions 2012/13

    I know it's off topic but I'm coming down in December and I herd you need to have insurance on your sleds or it's a big fine I was just curious if this is true or not? Can't believe everything you hear right
  4. S

    Official REVY Riding conditions 2012/13

    Reports don't sound so great, have a trip booked to revy for the 8-14 of December in hope that the snow is worth it, if you guys could keep the posts on the conditions that would be awsome l! Could save a 14 hour drive
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